An Idea For Anyone Who Owns The Book
I think we've seen from this board that there are a lot of people who would like to read the novel by Vance but aren't willing to pay over $100 for the opportunity to do so, which I very well understand. So how about this: if someone actually owns a copy, why not go to a copy center and photostat the book? Sure this sounds tedious and time consuming, but only doing the first copy would be so. After a master copy is created, then when anyone requests a copy, the master could be fed through a copier at once. Two pages from the book could probably be fit on on copy page, epscially if you reduce the output size to say 90%, so if the book is 220 pages, only 110 sheets would be necessary. At a nickel a sheet(the cost most drug stores charge for copies; I don't know what a Kinkos or a place like that would charge), your(the person who owns the book) cost would be about 5.50. You could then charge $10-$15 for the photostat version. Plus, instead of selling the real book once for $100-$200, you would probably make more doing this with multiple customers and still have your book. I would be willing to pay the mentioned price for a copy if anyone is interested. I don't believe I'm advocating any copyright infringement since people are advertising where to get the bootleg DVD of this movie on this board. So, if anybody actually gets around to doing this, post or contact me at [email protected].