MovieChat Forums > Bad Ronald (1974) Discussion > Has anyone read the book?

Has anyone read the book?

I loved the movie, but I heard that the book was 10 times better.

The book is very hard to find. I searched for it on the net, but they are charging as much as $200.00 a copy.


I read it quite nsome time ago and it is better than the movie, but then, most novels that have movies based on them tend to be.
John Holobrook Vance has a parallel carreer as Science FIction writer Jack Vance. In his book, "the Book of Dreams" he deals with a character very much like Ronald although in a very different setting.


I'd like some details please!!!!!!


If anyone is still looking for the book, try eBay. You'll often find a used copy in hardcover or paperback. If they don't have it on the day you look, keep checking back and eventually you'll find it.


you've got to be kidding me, the book is as hard to get as the movie?


I got a pretty good deal on a paperback copy on ebay.


I have a paperback copy of the novel that Jack Vance wrote under his real name John Holbrook Vance. The book is very different. Ronald rapes and murders two of the three daughters. The first girl he kills is by accident in the TV movie, but Ronald rapes and kills her, too. He is not nearly as sympathetic as the Scott Jacoby portrayal.


Yeah, I just finished reading the book and was highly disturbed by it. I only read it because I am a huge Jack Vance fan and am in the process of reading all of his works. I wish I would have passed on this one. At least the movie isn't as....graphic.


He rapes her? Wow.
Do you think the movie could be adapted for the stage?


I read the book and can answer anyone's questions......
He rapes, kidnaps and kills more than one girl. And they are very young about 11, 13 and 15. He buries them under the house through a trap door that leads to the outside. All the while the parents are frantically trying to find the girls. The book is very disturbing & extremely violent.


Edition Andreas Irle reprints Vance novels very difficult to find otherwise, but I think they need a minimum number of subscribers for the print run to pay for itself:

People interested in a reprint of Bad Ronald could contact them through email; if enought people show interest maybe they would decide to reprint the novel.


I have a copy of the book. It's pretty sick. The first little girl he rapes, but he'd delusional enough to think he might meet up with her again. He kills her by accident, buries her, & goes home & tells mommy. The first daughter of the new family, he keeps alive for a long time & rapes her repeatedly & then kills her when she tries to get away.


I have a copy, in reissued specialty hardback edition. The comments below give pretty detailed information about the differences with the TV movie. Anyone wants to pay $200 for it, I'll sell it to them. But I don't think it's really all that hard to find. The Vance Integral Edition has it, and major city libraries are acquiring that, so it should be possible to find it if all you're interested in is reading it.


I just downloaded the book to my Kindle from Amazon, $5.99. More reasonable than $200.

"My girlfriend sucked 37 d*cks!"
"In a row?"


I am not usually one who automatically says "the book was better," but in this case it was! First of all, Ronald really was bad in the book. He raped the first girl, Carol Matthews, and killed her because she was going to tell. And then when the Woods family moved in, he kidnapped Babs first and hid her in the lair. Then he repeatedly raped her and tortured her. He killed her when she tried to escape. Then...he did the same thing to the middle girl, Althea.
In the movie, they were a little sympathetic to Ronald, and made the first death almost end up where you almost feel sorry for Ronald.
The movie almost made him seem delusional, where he drifts into madness and his Atranta world, like a mental illness you could feel sorry for. The book mentions Atranta and Ronald's creating this work, but it's not like Atranta was the driving force. Ronald was bad in the book, and it wasn't a mental illness. The book has Duane Matthews as more of a hero, figuring out clues before the cops do, and leading the plan to discover and capture Ronald.
And I don't know about finding an actual copy of THE Bad Ronald book, but I got it as part of a compilation. There are 5 separate novels by Vance all in one book:


The author just died recently, at the age of 96.

Currently, the book can be ordered on Amazon for a Kindle at a fair price-but not everyone has (or wants) one of those. The cheapest in paperback right now is $50.

A used copy of the DVD is $10, which is what I got.


And for Nook folks, it's also available from the Barnes & Noble online book store.
