"I was born in 1966, I was 8 years old when I saw this movie. It is now 2007 and I finally jsut saw this move as I type this message after 33 years. I alwasy did remember it as the first move that had "PEOPLE INSIDE THE WALLS". Of course with hollywood they used that premise againa nd again with movies in the 80's like "PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS" etc. Was amizing to see it at age 8 in 1974 and then at age 40 in 2007. I did notice dabney colman as the father who afte that did 9 to 5 and his rise to star."
From what I see on these boards, a lot of people remember this movie, more than I'd have expected, and it seems nearly everyone has a different reason why they never forgot it. For some, it's the overall atmosphere of creepiness, for others, something else. Myself, although I never saw her in anything else, I never forgot Cindy Fisher. Yes, I know she was only about 14 at the time, but damn, was she hot. <G>
That isn't the only reason I remembered her, though. In my honest, and admittedly inexpert opinion, she turned in the best performance in the show. I realize that's faint praise, since the overall level of acting is pretty typical of TV movies of the time, but hey, give the girl credit for trying.
"Kim hunter went on to do muc more as well in the 80's but the rest of the cast faded into oblivion."
Lisa Eilbacher did go on to have some success, though nothing really noteworthy, in TV movies and the occasional feature film, but except for Hunter, who was a star long before 'Bad Ronald', and Coleman, who went on to base an entire career on playing conceited @$$holes (not a big stretch for him, if you can believe the rumors), it does seem that none of the others went on to do much. When the "Golden Age" of the TV movie ended at the close of the 1970s, so did their careers.