Alternative/Extended TV Version.
Apparently there is an alternative extended version of this film.
Has anyone here seen it?
I know there are alternative extended versions of "Airport '77" and "The Concorde... Airport '79".
Apparently there is an alternative extended version of this film.
Has anyone here seen it?
I know there are alternative extended versions of "Airport '77" and "The Concorde... Airport '79".
Apparently not for this one. I have a copy of an NBC broadcast and there were no additional scenes.
The biggest minority in America is the individual.
''The Concorde (Airport 1979) is the one with the additional footage. I saw it a few years ago on a website that sells ''Black Market'' DVDS. And among those who landed on the cutting room floor is Jessica Walter!. WHAT were they thinking?.
shareBoth 77 and 79 have large amounts of additional scenes.
The biggest minority in America is the individual.
Yes, I think ''Airport 77'' (with the additional footage) was actually broadcast on ''NBC'S Big Event''. Same with ''Earthquake'' and ''Two Minute Warning'' both Universal disaster films which had scenes that never made it to the big screen. (In fact, I think they were originally shot for TV and included to pad the running time).
shareI appreciate all of your replies, but I am pretty sure that a Extended Version exists with additional footage.
I have read about it from others who apparently saw it years ago on TNT, but I'm not sure if there is an Extended Version of "Airport".
I appreciate all of your replies, but I am pretty sure that a Extended Version exists with additional footage.
Apparently, it contains about an hour of additional scenes, mostly on the flight, etc. I haven't seen it, so I'm not 100% sure.
shareUnless they threw in a few more musical numbers with Helen Reddy and/or Gloria Swanson (yes, she ''sang'' at least once in the course of her career) God knows what the additional scenes consist of. I still doubt there were any.
shareYou say apparently, but you mentioning it is the first time I ever heard about it.
Sop what makes it apparent?
NO additional scenes in Airport 1975.
But there were additional scenes with an Airplane in Earthquake, that went on and on and felt like an hour or so.