MovieChat Forums > The World at War (1973) Discussion > Info On Operation Barbarossa is Outdated...

Info On Operation Barbarossa is Outdated

Operation Barbarossa was a preventive attack. Hitler ordered the invasion of the USSR as a military necessity as Stalin was preparing to invade Europe -


Thank all that is good for Barbarossa! Or, the British.

Hitler had an admiration for 'The British Empire'. He saw the British as kindred spirits. i.e. a bunch of power hungry bastards, who, with strength and guile had taken over an Empire on which the sun never set.

"Give us Europe and we wont argue over the rest." That, in reality, was the proposition.

As much as we take the p!ss out of the Germans, we are kin. We speak a Germanic language; our royal family is Germanic in origin. It wasn't too much of a leap for Adolf, to think that his dreams were at one with the British. After all, Blackshirts roamed Britain in the 30's. The abdicated king was very friendly.

You have to remember that this programme was made less than 20 years after the war. There was still the 'fog of war' surrounding it.

The Nazis had lost The Battle of Britain. Where could they go?

Operation Barbarossa was the best action of WWII. Pearl Harbour was the second best.

The British people are contrary tw@ts. Yes, they want to rule the world - We could make a jolly good fist of it, if only the rest of you were a bit more amenable! But, it has to be on our terms.

We're tw@ts, we're b@stards, we're arrogance personified. But, we are a bit cuddly!


No. Not at all. German Foreign Ministry and OKW/OKH papers regarding conferences with Hitler indicate otherwise.


It is amazing how some people blindly accept communist propaganda at face value. Even before world war 2 the regime of Josef Stalin was lying to the world by saying that there was no man made famine in Ukraine.
The official soviet propaganda which is still repeated to this day is that the peace loving and neutral USSR was suddenly and treacherously attacked by the German Wehrmacht without provocation. This is nothing but a pack of lies. The "peace loving" and "neutral" USSR invaded Poland and Finland in 1939, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Romania in 1940 and even after the nazi-soviet war broke out invaded Iran in August 1941.
Further evidence that the soviets were habitual liars was when the discovery was made of the mass grave of Polish officers at Katyn in 1943. The NKVD carried out this atrocity but Stalin ordered blame to be put on the Germans. In 1990 Mikhail Gorbachev finally admitted that the USSR was responsible for this crime.
Operation Barbarossa Was A Preventive Attack -


I don't understand how anyone could defend either one of these murderous tyrants.


They were so prepared that the Red Army was almost wiped out in 41.

I suppose Poland were about to execute their own Schlieffen plan in 39 too?

Glasgow's FOREMOST authority Italics = irony. Infer the opposite please.


The OP is an obvious troll - best ignore it


No not a troll at all. Just someone who can think for themselves and doesn't try to whitewash the mass murder and crimes of Josef Stalin and the soviet communists - and
The usual propaganda smear is that anyone who says that Operation Barbarossa was preventive in nature is a "nazi" or "neo nazi". This is just another lie. The information for the Barbarossa was preventive comes by far mostly from Russian historians such as Viktor Suvorov - and Igor Bunich - These historians had access to the Stalin era soviet archives. Bunich even discovered the name of the plan for the soviet invasion of Germany and Romania. It was Operation Thunderstorm (Operatsia Groza).
The best book on the subject is The Chief Culprit - Stalin's Grand Design To Start World War II. I have read it myself and highly recommend it to serious students of world war II history -


EVERYONE KNOWS!!! Stalin was a murderous tyrant so stop trying to convince us of stuff we already know.


Mr Stupid strikes again. I derive great amusement from your ramblings

I am a four eyed evil genius.


A country of then 170 million people was "preparing to invade Europe"... and yet when Hitler invaded the USSR purely as a "preventive attack", his armies were able to seize over a million square kilometres of Soviet territory (including its most fertile farmland and its most developed industrial facilities) and force the Soviets into house-to-house fighting in Moscow and Stalingrad (a city whose loss would have meant a severe morale blow to Stalin). To say nothing of the fact that the Soviets continued to supply the Germans with oil pursuant to the Nazi-Soviet Pact up until the dawn of Operation Barbarossa.... hard to paint that as a country preparing its own invasion of Europe.

Highly credible theory, princess. Perhaps try getting your information from a source other than Holocaust deniers.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.
-- Klingon proverb


Why don't you try getting your information from other than communist or pro communist sources? Of course you have nothing to say about the Soviet invasions of Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania in 1939/40 which shows that the USSR had offensive designs. Even after the soviet-nazi war broke out the "peace loving" (to use communist jargon) Soviet Union invaded Iran -
The reason the Germans and their Axis allies were able to seize such large amounts of territory is that they caught the Red Army just as it was moving forward to attack. They were caught between defensive and offensive positions. Also huge amounts of rifles, machine guns, artillery pieces and ammunition were captured because they had been stockpiled on the border ready for the attack. Yes, Stalin kept up the oil supplies as a ruse to pretend that relations were okay. The Germans saw through it. Stalin had a non aggression pact with Poland which he broke when the USSR invaded on September 17 1939 -
Stalin had a non aggression pact with Finland which he broke when the USSR invaded on November 30 1939 -
That Stalin would break the non aggression pact with Germany when the time was right for him was simply par for the course -
If you still disagree feel free to post at the CODOH WW2 Forum on this subject. They welcome open debate -


If you aren't a troll, then you're a conclusion jumping, short sighted, half assed excuse if a history researcher.

I agree that Stalin was as evil as Hitler. Hitler would probably win a contest of the most evil based on body count, but that could be debated.

I agree that Stalin would have invaded Germany eventually, but it is hard to see the USSR gaining enough ground technologically on the Germans for Stalin to feel comfortable in attacking. That he wanted to violate the nonaggression pact and invade Germany at a time of his choosing is well documented. I am pretty sure that an interviewee refers to exactly that in TWAW. But that is a far cry from supporting the claim that Barbarossa was a preventive spoiling attack, or anything like it.

I think the problem is that you think of yourself as an independent thinker. I think you are trying so hard to be independent, that you disregard any documentation you don't like and leave out any semblance of logical analysis.

The best diplomat I know is a fully charged phaser bank.


Yes. The programme does not really emphasise that the Nazi objective was actually the murder of all of Europe's jews. That was it's primary goal. The World At War, like many accounts, presents the genocide as something that happened because of the war. The genocide was its aim.

"I don't need to believe it's real. I just need to believe it."


revisionist/holocaust denial website as source,heard it all before,all lies.
