MovieChat Forums > Shazam! (1974) Discussion > This show would need a serious makeover ...

This show would need a serious makeover for modern day.

If this show stayed as is, the naacp would have a fit. All the elders are old white men!!!


Looks like we might find out what they do since one is in development on IMDB Pro.


the naacp would have to shut up for once as the Elders are Gods and anciet heros and will always be white guys!

repeat to yourself it's just a show you should really just relax.


The original show was complete caca, and had NOTHING to do with the comic book it was based on (no Uncle Dudley, no Mary Batson/Mary Marvel, no Freddie Freeman/Captain Marvel Jr., no Dr. Silvana or Silvana family, no IBACC, no Black Adam, no Mr. Mind, and worse of all, no Shazam [the old wizard that gives Billy Batson his powers]). What were the producers thinking, that a half-assed adaptation would work when the original comic book was on news stands and magazine racks with the original characters and stories in it? Having the NAACP bitch about it was the least of the problems with this crap show.

I want to see Warner Bros. Animation come up with a new TV series based on the 2010 animated direct-to-DVD movie that featured Superman alongside Captain Marvel for Cartoon Network; only then would the real adventures of Captain Marvel be told.


'The original show was complete caca, and had NOTHING to do with the comic book it was based on '

I would say little not nothing.

'(no Uncle Dudley,'

The show had Mr. Mentor instead.

' no Mary Batson/Mary Marvel,'

They had Isis instead.

'no Freddie Freeman/Captain Marvel Jr.,'


'no Dr. Silvana or Silvana family, no IBACC, no Black Adam, no Mr. Mind,'

True and this has already been discussed on another thread on this board.

' and worse of all, no Shazam [the old wizard that gives Billy Batson his powers]).'

The show has the Elders who gave out those powers instead.

'I want to see Warner Bros. Animation come up with a new TV series based on the 2010 animated direct-to-DVD movie that featured Superman alongside Captain Marvel for Cartoon Network; only then would the real adventures of Captain Marvel be told.'

Go watch this instead. It's animated and the characters both heroes (Uncle Dudley, no Mary Batson/Mary Marvel, no Freddie Freeman/Captain Marvel Jr and the ghost of Shazam)and villains (Dr. Silvana or Silvana family, no Black Adam, and Mr. Mind,) are there. Enjoy.

You can find these on youtube.
