MovieChat Forums > Shazam! (1974) Discussion > Captain Marvels abilities

Captain Marvels abilities

So what sort of powers does Captain Marvel have? Can he be harmed by bullets or a knife or explosions? Also in the series does he do any superhuman stuff? I can remember the show being on when I was about 3 or 4! Wikipedia say that in the show he just flew across the USA!

Come & make love to me


He has the Wisdom of Solomon, the Strength of Hercules, the Stamina of Atlas, the Power of Zeus, the Courage of Achilles, and the Speed of Mercury. Now, what does that all mean? Well, in the shw, he was able to fly, was strong enough to lift heavy objects or stop vehicles, and was impervious to harm. I don't remember if anyone every shot at him, since this was Saturday morning and that was a big no-no. Mostly, he just flew and used his strengh to get someone out of a jam, then delivered a lecture. It was pretty boring, compared to the comics. I always preferred Isis; but, then again, I was hitting puberty.


Most ppl say he is a bit stronger than Superman but not as invaunerable though no heat vision,or x-ray.



Im pretty sure Superman beat him up the times they fought in the comics. Does anyone know if Captain Marvel ever fought Valor/Mon-El? I remember back in the early 90's there was a comic storyline featuring Eclipso where Superman WAS possessed and Captain Marvel was sent to take him down and proceeded to get his ass kicked. Valor/Mon-El was also possessed but I never got to read the ending of that to see what happened.


In the Kingdom Come series, the writer remembered that superman is vulnerable to magic . . . and all of Marvel's abilities spring from magic. The brainwashed Captain very nearly beat Superman to death. If he'd continued to beat him, he would have killed him. Instead, he switched to saying "Shazam" over and over, and moving, so that the magic lightning struck the Kryptonian. Over and over. But, this also transformed him into Billy for a few moments, and superman used one of them to lunge and cover Batson's mouth with his hand. This allowed him to talk the brainwashed fellow back to some semblance of sanity.


There was an oversized comic book made where Superman and Captaian Marvel mixed it up. DC used Quarmer for the Superman fake to pick a fight with Cap and Black Adam disguised as Captain Marvel to honk off Superman. One of the best lines in that book was when Cap throws a huge hunk of a building at Superman and Supes replies, "I've dove into suns, defeatd giant, world devouring monsters and you throw a brick at me? What a laugh!" and Cap responds with his usual, "Holy Moley". LoL In essence both Black Adam and Quarmer were forced to do Darkseid's dirty work as he wanted the erth's that Superman and Captain Marvel came from to collide in a giant explosion. The fight was pretty intense but Superman kicked Captain Marvel's butt hands down. In all fairness though Cap recuperated fairly quickly so he's no slouch. He managed to get Superman's attention using his magical thunderclap/lightnign bolt which changes him back to Billy Batson. Black Adam had used red kryptonite to cause superman pain and that also enrages him. I forget what exactly Quarmer used to honk off Captain Marvel.


Really? What people? Superman has no equal in strength hero wise especially when you compare him to Captain Marvel. While I like Cap a lot and enjoyed his comics, he wasn't anywhere near the level of strength Supes is. Possibly in the very earliest of comics from the 30's - maybe - but by the silver age standard there was no one outside of other Kryptonians who had his level of muscled prowess.

What John Byrne had to do with the "Man of Steel" comics was tone Superman's abilities down from near godhood. How DO you stop someone who can dive into a sun and survive? Or who can take on a world devouring monster and defeat it? Never mind turning the earth back on its axis or putting the planet back into proper orbit.

Remember Fawcett comics got sued by DC for Captain Marvel being a rip off of Superman and they lost in court. That's how DC acquired the Fawcett line of characters to begin with. Captain Marvel had Hercules strength which was formidable but not overly so.


Hi. I'm hard-of-hearing, so I'd like to know what Billy said when the (What was the name of the thing in the front of the R.V. that had the blinking lights on it that signalled that {S}olomon, {H}ercules, {A}tlas, {Z}eus, {A}chilles, & {M}ercury wanted to talk to him? What was their collective name? Surely he didn't tell (Who was the driver of the R.V., & what was his relation to Billy (Batson?)?) that Solomon, Hercules............ are calling for Billy to call to them? Thank you for ANY & ALL the help you will SURELY give me!

Eight divided by one-half equals four squared!


"Oh Elders, fleet, strong, and wise. Appear before my seeking eyes." in the Shazam! cartoon (one ep.), Mary Marvel said this to summon the Elders for their help to stop Black Adam.

