
How did they not have Black Adam or Professor Sivana in this?!?!?


Because the producers were a bunch of cheap morons who bough a property to adapt for live action without being able to budget it so that the show would have said villains. This is why the show was a piece of crap, and why I'd love to see an animated version from the same people that brought us Batman: The Animated Series.


Their version was pretty successful, so how are they morons? The problem is that the limitations on a Saturday morning series were far greater than a prime time series; so, they couldn't show kids in jeopardy. It's hard to do villains in that environment. Also, there was a mandate that children's programming had to have educational content, so Filmation went the morality tale route. Those of us who lived through the era didn't have a problem with it. The show was one of the biggest on Saturday morning, leading to the Isis spin-off and additional episodes, which didn't happen often.

"Fortunately, Ah keep mah feathers numbered for just such an emergency!"


That always annoyed me too, especially since Dr. Sivana would've been pretty easy/inexpensive to work into the show.

Mostly, I remember him getting teens out of trouble (usually of their own making), but often he would fight bears (or maybe it was just one bear, his arch-enemy bear).


Only ones that could be classified as "villains" were the two guys in "Double Trouble" who tried to pull off robberies by one of them dressing in a Marvel suit...

Brok in "Lure of the Lost"/"Road Back" was pretty good, he was just a dope-head, never tried to do anything to Captain Marvel, just a bad knucklehead...

Other "villains": Ron Craig and Vinnie (the guy who framed Jackie)...Vinnie was a joke...


I thought the "dope-head" villain was a rather cool for a Saturday morning kids show.



No villains. This was Saturday morning live action (low budget).

You want villains go watch the animated version from this:

I thought the "dope-head" villain was a rather cool for a Saturday morning kids show.'

As did I.


I was/am happy with the series as a whole, I never felt the burning need for flashy bad guys you would see in a comic book.

Granted, the Adam West Batman series did the comic book villains well, but there is room for the Shazam! take on things.


Okay let's face it, the producers just did not have enough creativity and talent to pull it off. Dr. Silvana was a mad scientist - doesn't take a whole ot of $$$ to make one of those on TV shows even for kids. However as someone had pointed out, Filmation was worried about morality and all sorts of legal hubub back in the day thus they chose to go the route of the Hulk Tv series where the villains were every day Joe & Mary Sixpacks and rarely (if ever) any villain had super powers. Not much different for Wonder Woman as well. Super powers cost $$$ via special fx. So if you make your villains ordinary people, then you don't have to spend any $$$ on that stuff.

What did Captain Marvel do a lot of? Pick cars up by the back so their wheels wouldn't go anywhere. Gee Six Million Dollar Man, Wonder Woman and everyone else who has done that schtick to death. My friends and I got sick of that odl saw real quick.
