Old Pete Sc(h)ofield

We recently watched "In Hazard" from late in the second season, which is mainly about Beth's difficulties defending a tax case (for example, she's sent to jail on a contempt charge, and while there is poisoned). But there's a little subplot with Rocky being desperate to get up to Oxnard to look at a semi that's for sale, because if he doesn't get there soon "old Pete Scofield" (or "Schofield"? -- we never see it written) will surely beat him to it.

Old Pete's name seems awfully familiar. Is he mentioned in other episodes as well?


Old Pete got another mention just the other night. Didn't remember to write down the episode name, but it was early in season 3, probably "Return to the 38th Parallel" (or possibly "Rattlers' Class of '63" -- or the one before that).

This time it was just one brief comment.


Tonight we watched "New Life, Old Dragons" (season 3, episode 18) about a Vietnamese refugee who hires Rockford to find her missing brother. The opening-credits phone call was from "Pete" (no last name given), saying he hoped Jim enjoyed spending the weekend at his cabin, but next time, please leave the trout in the fridge, not in the cupboard!

Now I'm trying to remember what Rocky said about "Old Pete" in the second episode that mentioned him. I know there was one episode where Rocky and Jim were planning to borrow somebody's cabin -- maybe it was Pete Sc(h)ofield's? Probably not, since I'm pretty sure this message wasn't in the episode right after that one.

I was hoping the closing credits would say who did Pete's voice on the phone, but they didn't. I don't think they ever do (though it's listed in the trivia section for some episodes).


Well, we finished the series, and Old Pete wasn't mentioned again. So just the two (or possibly three) times.
