MovieChat Forums > Rhoda (1974) Discussion > Richard Schaal (Charlie Burke) dies at 8...

Richard Schaal (Charlie Burke) dies at 86

Actor Richard Schaal, who played Charlie Burke in three episodes of "Rhoda" (1974-76), died Nov. 4, 2014, in Woodland Hills, Calif. His obituary in The New York Times can be accessed at:


R.I.P. Dick. I was surprised to hear that he was 86. I was also surprised to discover that he had no screen credits since 1990. I am guessing that he wanted to retire.


I never liked him on any of the shows - "MTM", "Phyllis", "Rhoda". He seemed to lay the same goofy character in every show, every episode, every scene. It was a character I grew tired of rather quickly.

I remember seeing an interview with Harper about 20 years ago. In the interview, she talked about her success in the 70s. She made reference -in a jocular way - to the fact that her then husband (Schaal) was rather envious of her success, and her being the bread-winner, which led to their divorcing. I believe her show got cancelled a few months later.

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