MovieChat Forums > Rhoda (1974) Discussion > What TV Episode or Moment is The 'Rhodas...

What TV Episode or Moment is The 'Rhodas Wedding' of todays modern time?

thought or suggestions?



Not sure I understand the question....

"I prefer fantasy over reality TV - like Fox News" - B.Streisand


Yeah the wording in the subject title is a bit off lol

Well considering the episode "Rhoda's Wedding" was such a big deal when released and is something that people still haven't forgoten about, I am wondering if their is some modern equivalent from this genereation of televison that has caused the same level of public interest and ratings as "Rhoda's Wedding" did at the time of its release.



"Who Shot JR?"? Chandler's and Monica's wedding?, Ellen's Coming Out episode? Is that something like what you were asking?


Yes pretty much, Thanks for replying



Rachel gets to the airport to greet Ross but then sees him with Julie, so she quietly leaves.

And how modern is "Who Shot JR?" when it was only 6 years after Rhoda's wedding?


From what I understand Rhoda's wedding was pretty much a cultural event... I'm sorry if I'm overstating it - it took place before my time. Watching it on Youtube recently... Wow, what a show!!

Hearing peoples' impressions about how popular it was, and how it went over would be cool.

For example, does Rhoda's Wedding equate, popularity or reaction-wise, with any of these..?

- The Cheers Finale - '93? That I can remember this happening during elementary school speaks to what a massive event it must've been. The next day, our teacher discussed it with our class... Someone asked something along the lines of "why Sam didn't marry Diane?" Our teacher answered something along the lines of "well, that's complicated..." (Lol! Especially now, having seen the series.)

- The Seinfeld Finale - '97? - I remember this as a really big deal - on magazine covers for weeks beforehand, discussed on TV talk shows, with an advertising build-up unlike anything else I remember... But what I remember more than the episode itself was the controversy it created afterwards - a lot people seemed to really dislike it... (Was it actually that bad?)

- The Friends Finale - '03 - maybe b/c I was older and remembered the Cheers and Seinfeld finales, or maybe because the internet and cable began fragmenting the network TV viewing audience, but it didn't seem like the Friends event quite reached the feverish pitches of Seinfeld or Cheers... But it was still huge, with a lot of people talking about it and putting emotional investment in the outcome.

The How I Met Your Mother finale (among other shows I'm sure I'm forgetting) - and for dramas, the Sopranos finale - got hyped, but I can't imagine that they impacted the culture like Rhoda's Wedding, which still gets talked about to this day... It must've been a pretty big deal.
