The fourth season was 1977-78, when the show was 'regrouping' itself. At the time, Leachman's own spin-off 'Phyllis' had been canceled after two seasons (1975-77), and 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show' had ended in March, 1977. So I wonder if they were thinking of having 'Phyllis' join the show, as a recurring cast member? I always thought that would have been a great idea, and suggested it on this forum a few times - it would have made sense.
The problem with RHODA was the fact that they never gave her a supporting cast that 'stuck'. Except for her sister Brenda (and Carleton the doorman), all the other cast members came and went...none stuck around from season to season. 'Joe' of course was on for the first two and a half, 'Gary' was on for 3 and 4, 'Ida' was on for the first two, and then left in season 3 with husband 'Martin' - but returned in Season really was a mish-mash.
The addition of 'Phyllis' living in NYC (probably in the same apartment building as her and Brenda) would have been a set up for some fun possibilities...would love to read this script!
Great find....
I prefer fantasy over reality TV - like Fox News. - B.Streisand