
I'm just starting watching the complete series, but I watched much of it before so can name a few inconsistencies. I won't get heavily into historical inaccuracies or contradictions with the books or I might never get done. One of the biggest contradictions to the books is there is WAAAAAYYY more crying in the series, in situations in which the real people cried very little if at all. Laura was taught it was babyish to cry and may have even got in trouble for it. (Gotta read the books again.)

At the beginning of Season 1, it is made clear that Laura can't read or write. Her narration states, "If I had a memory book, I'd write (such and such)." A later episode is based around her keeping a memory book when they first arrived in Walnut Grove.

Season 1 makes several references to what was known as Custer's Last Stand, now politically correctly termed the Battle of the Little Bighorn. This took place June 25 and 26, 1876. So fine, Season 1 takes place after that. Only it doesn't, because in 1976 they did a big show celebrating America's Centennial in 1876, so these Season 1 references were to something that hadn't happened yet.

In Season 1, Doc Baker operates on Mrs. Oleson to remove her appendix. Later in the series, in the faith healer episode, the doctor insists a young boy get to a surgeon to have his appendix removed. Why can't Doc Baker perform the operation since he has already successfully done it at least once?

Of course the most famous one was that Albert returned 20 years later as a doctor, but a TV movie implied he died. I haven't seen this movie but understand it doesn't actually show him dying so there's hope.

I know married women were not allowed to teach, and I'm not sure even married men were. Teaching salaries were not enough to support a family, so married people were barred from teaching. There were also rules about being seen while pregnant, though those may have been more strict out east. These rules were broken by Mrs. Simms and Mrs. Garvey teaching and Mrs. Simms leaving class to give birth to a baby.

Two more episodes, two more inconsistencies. In "Survival," Charles says it's been 16 years since the 1862 uprising, implying it is 1878. About a year and a half later it was 1876. Time ran backwards...amazing. In "To See the World," Johnny Johnson ditches school. Later in the episode, he mentions it's July. There isn't school in July. The reason was both that kids were needed on the farm, and that school buildings became intolerably hot in summer. A three month vacation has been a tradition ever since.

As far as research being harder as back then there wasn't Google and all, as a child I was able to grab a World Book without getting out of my chair. I learned things such as: they played baseball, which was invented, but were using gloves, which weren't yet. Albert's pen pal claimed to captain the basketball team. Basketball wasn't invented until 1891 and I'm sure girls' teams started later. Football was also very new then and probably wasn't played on the prairie in the 1870s/1880s in the manner depicted on the show. I often wondered why the makers of a national TV show couldn't afford a set of World Book. These could go on all day and are probably found in every show, though some are more careful than others. (I understand Dr. Quinn was really pretty careful.) I just finished watching Daniel Boone, which was one of the worst offenders. It begins in 1775 and then bounces around in time so much between 1775 and 1807 (in only six years) that you'd think you were watching Quantum Leap. The main thing I kept track of was the music, and hope to list which pieces Daniel Boone could, and could not, have heard in his lifetime. I'm not doing this with Little House because although I recognized most of the fiddle tunes on Daniel Boone, I have recognized very few on Little House. I know Little House does use for instrumental background vintage tunes which weren't written yet back then.

In Season 2, episode 2, the eye doctor tells Mary she must wear her glasses at all times at first, and then only for schoolwork. In episode 3 she is at school without her glasses.


Season 5, episode 7: some of the cattle wear metal ear tags, first used in the United States for pigs as early as 1895. It is still supposed to be around 1881.


Labor on the farm during the summer was no small deal. Bringing hay in, harvesting wheat, and cultivating crops were largely hand work back then. Often the father drove the kids like a task master. Being in school out of the sun and ready access to water would have been preferable to excruciating fatigue, thirst, and perhaps even being beaten for not getting enough done. Pretty easy being a kid today versus 1870 or 1924.


These are good observations.


Season 5, episode 14: Carrie meets an imaginary friend who tells her her name is Alyssa. Carrie says, "I never heard a name like that before." Carrie previously knew a girl named Alicia. Carrie isn't too bright.


Season 5, episode 17: Laura gives a boy a peanut butter sandwich. This is one of a number of references to peanut butter, which was not sold until 1904.

Some people have noted that peanut paste was available a little earlier and that people may even have made their own, but the extreme unlikeliness of even peanuts let alone peanut butter being available on the frontier still qualifies this as an error.


Season 5, episode 20 nitpicks: Andy left the lantern by the side of the barn, presumably starting the fire, but when the family discovers it, the middle of the barn is blazing and the side where the lantern was appears to have little or no flames or damage.

The ice in the icehouse wouldn't be uncovered, but packed tightly in sawdust. Of course they left it uncovered to show it was an icehouse.


Season 5, episode 23: Doctor Baker says anthrax isn't contagious in the same way as smallpox so people can help their sick relatives. Then he tells Charles and Jonathan not to touch the sick sheep barehanded because they could pick it up that way. Why could people get anthrax by touching the sick sheep barehanded and not by touching the sick people barehanded?


Season 6, episode 1: Laura calls Albert "Little Lord Fauntleroy." Little Lord Fauntleroy was not published until 1886. They can't be up to 1886 here unless they have done another three-year forward skip.

Season 6, episode 2: Charles claims he was out of school at age 12 working to support his family as "man of the family." This makes no sense as he has a father and older brother still living when he is an adult. There could be an explanation but it is not given.


Season 6, episode 4: Caroline stops the wagon, puts on the brake, picks up a letter, and then starts the wagon with the brake still on.
