Why was Charles always Walnut Grove's representative for The Grange?
I mean, what were his qualifications exactly? Except for getting up into everyone else's business and telling others how to conduct themselves? I can just see him there talking with a successful farmer/rancher and introducing himself
"Hi, I'm Charles Ingalls from the poor and proud town of WG!"
and then some successful farmer asks
"Where is WG?"
C: "It's in Hero Township".
F: "Oh, yes... where is Hero Township?"
C: "About a couple days walk from Mankato."
F: "How's the land there?"
C: "Oh, it's wonderful. I have 40 acres all my own!"
F: "40 acres? My farm is over 1000 acres! Why did you choose WG of all places?"
C: "Oh, I saw a sign that said they were giving away 40 acres! And it even came with a MULE!! So I thought, 'GEE!!!!', and decided to uproot my family yet again to fulfill my dream of being a successful farmer".
F: "And how has that worked out for you, Mr. Ingalls?"
C: "Well, I haven't had one successful crop yet, and it's been five seasons, err years, but I'm here to tell The Grange how to successfully conduct their business and not the ungodly way they are currently operating!"
F: "That's nice, Mr. Ingalls, have a nice ride back to WG.... see ya..."