“You hate me!”

Nancy was way worse than Nellie.
Who agrees?


She was a very, very shallow character. At least Nellie redeemed herself as a normal human being at one point.

But let's be honest, it was seasons 8 and 9. Season 8 has about 6 watchable episodes and season 9 has 2, IMHO. It was just running on fumes and Nancy was a desperate gimmick.


That’s true


I like s9 The Wild Boy and Little Lou


I'm a fan of Home Again (1&2). As much as I think Albert was a weak character I have to admit that this story was well done. Probably the only Albert focused episodes I like.

Season 8 has Dark Sage, The Legend of Black Jake, Wave of the Future, A Promise to Keep, Second Chance and Uncle Jed. He was Only Twelve is ok but not really one I look forward to.


I loved Chicago and A Faraway Cry from season eight.


And A Christmas They Never Forgot.


Chicago and A Christmas They Never Forgot are watchable. Christmas is mostly rehashed stuff so it doesn't really get high ranks but it's watchable and Chicago is ok because it ties up some things in the series but not one I really make a point to watch when it's on. A Faraway Cry is miserable, as well it should be. It's not as much bad but depressing and ugly. I'm sure that was part of the point.


That's the problem with programs that feature kids as main characters. The actors grow up and the scripts must be modified to reflect this. You end up with a completely different show.

The final season with the character clones was a desperate attempt to reboot the show. It didn't work.


True. Even as likable as The Carters were it just was too much of a break from the original series. It was time for everyone to move on.


I recently watched the episode "The Return of Nellie," where Nellie comes home to visit as an adult, and Nancy behaves like an insufferable brat the entire time. Then she runs away from home during Nellie's birthday party because she's not getting all of the attention. I guess we're supposed to feel sorry for her because she gets chased by a wild animal and then gets lost in the woods. But how could anyone feel sorry for Nancy since she has no redeeming qualities whatsoever? At least Nellie was funny while she was being nasty. The show's writers were just beyond lazy with the Nancy character.


Nellie was just a bully and spoiled, entitled brat, but Nancy was a stone cold sociopath. Something went very wrong with the writing after May We Make them Proud, where the show went for shock value and darkness. The Nancy character was right in keeping with this character. She was clearly based on Rhoda from The Bad Seed. IIRC, there's an episode where she tried killing a classmate because she was mad that the victim beat her at some contest or other.
