anyone still wathcing this show?

i watched a bit today


Funny, but I bought the entire dvd set about 2 years back, and I don’t think I’ve gotten past the first season yet. I had plans to work my way through the entire series, but never seem to find the time anymore to sit down for an hour and watch it. I still haven’t seen most of the later episodes.

Caught an episode of little house: A new beginning, one time. There’s no way in hell I’m buying that dimwitted Willie bastard, 19th century dunce extraordinaire, could ever pull off anything as substantial as landing that sweet little Rachel dish :D


i dont have the dvds i think ive seen every episode in reruns lol


Not after the serial killer died


I have three channels that show it on a pretty regular rotation. I still go back and watch about 4 or 5 episodes a week or so. Two of them seem to be synced up on the later years right now so my watching has fallen off a bit.


It’s on Hallmark channel for insomniacs who have nothing better to watch.


Free with ads on IMDB video, which you can also view on Amazon Prime (even without Prime membership).


I often watch it. I own the whole collection but watching it on Peacock


I haven't watched it since I was a kid, but I must have seen most of them. They were always on in syndication in those days.


Every once in while watch in syndication


It's a guilty pleasure I enjoy revisiting every few months. It's sort of like comfort food for the mind and helps me de-stress. There are some episodes I derive pleasure from no matter how many times I've seen them. I usually watch Seasons 1-4, some of Season 5, all of Season 6, some of Season 7, and scattered episodes from Seasons 8 and 9. Except for "The Last Farewell", the TV-movies are mostly forgettable.
