when carrie fell down the well caroline blamed miss beadle but when miss beadle sent the kids out in the blizzard (you know she did that on purpose) caroline didnt even really get that mad
she was just kinda like Y.O.L.O.
she was probably hoping something owuld happen to Laura, I mean she treated Laura like crap then when Charles stood tall and sai d"ILL SAVE THEM ALL" you know Caroline was sitting there, "oh gosh, this could be my moment, charles passes away and I get Chris!!! ITS A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!"
but once again Charles saves teh day and of course HES the one that reads from the bible at the end
Widow Sanderson dying- poor Charles had such a hard time between his crying and the tough decision of where to place the kids.
The Blizzard episode- you already covered that one.
The Olesons have a problem nephew- Charles to the rescue!
The Angry Heart- Charles can fix another brat.
Child of Pain- once again, Charles is the hero who breaks the boozer.
I don't remember the name of the episode, but Charles was staying with a family being emotionally abused by the man who was bitter over the loss of his son. Once again, let's make it about how Charles fixes everything.
Man is sitting on a hillside, cradling his dead son and speaking as if he's still alive- very hard on a tearful Charles.
Olga has one leg shorter than the other, and ingenious master carpenter Charles fits a wood block to her shoe so she can finally play with the other children. Such a hero.
So many episodes (I know there are plenty more) with a chance to tell someone else's story, yet the focus was on Charles baring his chest, laughing like a hyena on crack, swinging his ineffective fists, crying like a kitten, or sawing away on his violin.
Makes me wonder why he didn't get to tell a story of a Christmas He Never Forgot. Maybe it was edited out to fit in the time slot. Would you like to take a stab at what his story might have been, Jason? You're good at coming up with these things.
It was a Christmas where Laura had just been born. The Ingalls family was dirt poor, poorer than usual. Every nigh Charles cried himself to sleep saying "I got no cash on a barrel". Caroline encouraged Charles to use the credit to get the girls a gift and charles owuld look at her with a stern face and said "Never has a Ingalls used credit. Im not about to start now"
Caroline would get all huffy and puffy cuz she knew she wouldnt be getting that wooden bowl she wanted oh so bad
Charles kept trying to make ends meet but it just wasnt working. Falling off his horse and brekaing his ribs put him out of work for am month. Charles didnt even have any sugar to give Caroline
One Christmas eve Charles went to church and just prayed for good luck. While walking out he ran into a big ol man who put hsi hands on Charles and said "Real men do cash on a barrell" The man walked away and Charles made a dramatic turn and looked at the guy and made a little smile
He walked home in teh snow, with his shirt off laughing and smiling and giggling. He walked into the house( avery very small one) and said "Caroline, I just realized something!" Caroline thought to her self "that marrying you was a mistake?" but instead she said "whats that honey?"
Charles grabbed her and said "we dont need presents too be happy. We got a roof over our head and 2 great kids. what else do we need?" Caroline said it and she shouldnt have "well a wooden bowl would be nice"
Charles started crying and went to bed knowing he really was a failure
Christmas Morning came and Charles woke up very early just staring at the ceiling wondering why he had so much bad luck
Then he Heard it "SANTA CAME SANTA CAME SANTA CAME!" mary was screaming ta the top of her lunge. Charles and Caroline walke dout to teh living room and saw a handful of presents
A doll for Mary, A spoon for Laura, a wooden bowl for Caroline and a shirt for Charles
Charles grabbbed his family and said "HAVE I EVER TOLD YOU ALL I LOVE YOU"
then charles saw a man in a red suit walking away from his cabin
Charles ran out to catch hi,. charles tackled the man, while breaking his own ribs, and said "WHO ARE YOU"
The fat man from outside the church said "Well im mr clause of course"
Charles said "santa"
The fat man said "no jack clause, i heard you crying outside the church and it sounded pathetic. now please let me go"
Charles let him go and watched the man waddle away, as Charles sat there a light snow began to fall
Charles took off his shirt and laid in the snow, giggling like a school girl.
The next day a man knocked on the dorr with a bill for 7 dollars that the ingalls owed for their christmas presents
Charles didnt have the money so the gifts were taken away
Charles broke down crying while CAROLINE took off
Charles went to go find her but she was gone for a week
When she came back she was happy as ever
2 months later she annouced she was pregnant. Charles started crying saying "Im gonna be a pa again"
(cue real life updated scene)
As teh fmaily sits around Charles looks at Carrie and says "Yes you were my miracle. Im your pa"
Caroline gives a uncomfortable look and remembers the night she had passionate sex with the man she meet while she was away. A rugged 6 ft 5 man with a reddish amber beard who went to town on her. Caroline knows the man was the real dad but she could never tell Charles
The role of Jack Clause was played by none other than Wilfred Brimley, whom upon learning of Chuck’s dire predicament, and the fact that he had all those kids that he couldn’t provide for, grew quite frustrated with ole Chuck. So when no one was around, he took him out behind the church, and kicked him square in the nuts as hard as he could! This had little effect overall, since Jack had not anticipated Charles penchant for adopting every stray waif to come along. Between this, and Chris the handyman’s ultra potent seed, Charles was responsible for ¼ of Walnut Grove’s population 😀