Little House Cliches?

What things happened so much on L.H. during the duration of it's run that they became clichés? I'll start;

-Charles breaking his ribs, getting beat up, getting hurt.

-Charles crying.

-Charles getting mad and storming off even though he was wrong because he didn't get his way.

-The family's crops somehow failing, and Charles hits the road to look for work.

-Mr. Edwards/Mr. Garvey going above and beyond to help Charles and family.

-Albert getting in trouble.

*Anymore I missed? Discuss....


One or more of the Ingalls family members in tears just because they are the best family anyone could ever have, and they just love each other so darn much!!


The "TARA". Turn and run away. Bratty Laura did something wrong and would just TARA. Laura!!! Stop!!! Come back!!! Your pigtails need fixing.
