1. Interesting. There's a fan fic out there, written 7 years before that first post, that theorizes exactly that about "Holly Don't." The "other" Rick Marshall wrote that. It also makes sense given that the hopity thing exploded when it left the pylon. The story is called Personality Split, and can be found if you google it.
2. In an episode called The Musician, it was stated that a group called The Builders built the Land of the Lost, and that included the pylons, so there's that.
3. No question that Rick Marshall made it home. That was the point of the opening scene to Aftershock. He opened a door to Earth, and before he could get Will and Holly, an earthquake hit. He fell through the doorway and the table smashed, so Will and Holly couldn't follow. He went home. The show said he went home. Don't worry about the rocky terrain. If you think about it, if you are falling 1000 feet in a waterfall, even if you go through a portal, the second you hit the LOTL, you crash and die--UNLESS there is some sort of safety mechanism in the doorway that slows you down. Clearly, that's what happened to the Marshalls, or they would have died right away. Likewise, there is no reason to believe Rick didn't survive. Again--the writers made the intent clear--Rick got back to Earth.
4. No idea about this one. Years of bottled up emotions led them to a major cataclysm that was so bad, they de-evolved. Obviously, it was centuries before.