What was so great about JJ??!
JJ was OK, as far as teenage sons go.
He often came off as literally cartoonish though.
But the way the show portrayed him as this *stud* with women was completely ridiculous.
He was about 95 pounds soaking wet, had no musculature whatsoever, and when he grinned he resembled a deranged zombie.
So he said 'Dy-no-MITE!' over & over. That got old too.
I can understand why John Amos & Esther Rolle got upset with this (although I will NEVER understand why they left a steady show & a steady paychecks!
No one ever really heard from them again).
Anyone else not understand JJ's appeal?
I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.