Excellent movie.

This was the first, I think, of the "theme park gone wrong" type of movie, like Jurassic Park.

It is a clever plot, well written, and expertly acted. Make no mistake, though, that this a thriller action movie, and so it's not going to be on the level of, say, Casablanca.

Yul Brynner is awesome in this movie. The movie does an excellent job at presenting the lazy, narcissistic, decadent lifestyle that the visitors to the park (and the world in general, I presume) had gone down to. So you don't feel that bad when "karma" rears its head.

An excellent movie. If it comes on tv or you can stream it, watch it. You won't regret it.



Despite Westworld having a great concept, its delivery was lacking. The characters' reasons for visiting the theme park were not properly explored (only briefly referred to in conversation) and many scenes made Westworld's narrative stagnate. Though Yul Brynner gave a stand out performance.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.


You felt the reason for their visit to the park wasn't explored enough in the film? They're on vacation obviously. I mean, what deeper explanation were you looking for? The character played by James Brolin had been there before, and wanted to take Richard Benjamin's character with him on this trip so he could experience it too. That's explained in the dialogue clearly. Don't get me wrong, I'm not berating you for having a different opinion than my own. We all like what we like, and this just didn't work for you. I just think some of the reasons you gave for disliking this film were not very valid.

Rest In Peace Roxy 9/2/16


i thought it had a very interesting and original premise, unfortunately the execution was lacking

still decent enough though

so many movies, so little time
