If the Gunslinger was programmed to lose all draws...why would they even bother increasing his sensory perception..infrared..blah blah? What's the point?
Also, Seems like during the repair period..EVERYTHING is shut down till they reactivate in the mid morning. What if you are a night person that likes to go to bed at 3am or something? Your basically walking around a wax museum. If I was paying a grand a day, that would kind of suck.
Why is the female android in the dungeon not able to drink water when there are tons of androids in all parks drinking wine...whiskey..whatever.
This is one of my all-time favorite films and I've probably seen it over 100 times since 1973. That said, of course I too have often thought "why this, why that", "this makes no sense here...", off and on. But the whole idea is to just have fun with it -- don't ask so many questions, don't analyze so much. There used to be a time where people just had a good time with movies, purely and simply.