Wicked boring movie

The acting was good, the realism was good, I liked the cars of the era, and I liked the "look" of the film (i.e., typical 1970s 35mm film stock), but the plot was dull as a lima bean.

There were no interesting cases that Serpico or anyone else was working on, and there wasn't even a plot to kill Serpico. They were all basically just highly annoyed with him, and a few of them issued some vague threats, and the worst anyone did was pull a knife on him (as another threat of course, no actual intention of attacking him with it). If you want to speculate that cops set him up to get shot at the end, go ahead, but there is nothing in the movie that establishes any such thing.

On top of that, the dirty cops that he was so hell-bent on bringing down weren't even doing anything outrageous (at least not by movie standards), like raping or murdering. Instead, they were "on the take".

Based on the opening, I assumed that the movie would have a plot about dirty cops plotting and eventually carrying out a "hit" on the "rat" cop. If that had been the plot, combined with an interesting crime case as a subplot, it could have been a good movie.

Oh yeah, and there was some "relationship drama". He wouldn't marry the first woman, so she casually left to marry someone else. He wouldn't marry the second woman either, plus he hollered at her a few times and she didn't like that, so she left too. Gee.

And the movie was entirely too long for a story that makes for a good newspaper article, but not much else.

I don't dance, tell jokes or wear my pants too tight, but I do know about a thousand songs.



I wouldn't call it boring, but I would say disappointing. I had only seen this once about twenty years ago, so I rented the blu-ray just to check it out again.

Like you said, the film has a great look -- gritty with interesting locations. But it was less hard-hitting and more simplistic than I remembered. And while I realize it was the 70s, it seemed like the costume department really went overboard with Pacino's hippie/homeless look

It's not completely uninteresting, but I don't think it comes close to the caliber of something like Dog Day Afternoon, or even Q & A.


You do realize this movie is based on a true story right? If there was some plot to kill Serpico then it would be fiction.

These "police" were allowing pimps and murderers to go free, while Serpico was trying to do his job, to protect and serve the public. If your job is actually seen as a hindrance to your coworkers, then there is a problem. The problem wasn't simply that a few cops were on the take, it was that his superiors were turning a blind eye to it. The struggle is one man vs the system, and surprisingly, Serpico made a difference.

And maybe the cops didn't actively set him up, but they did ignore his cries for help before he was shot in the face.

I think your problem is that you were looking for a conventional thriller, when this film is more of a docu-drama and character study. Do you find documentaries boring because they have "weak plots"?

~ There is nothing more pathetic than an aging hipster.


Well said Degree. I was going to respond but you put it 100 times better. I love that their is no mastermind plot by the "bad" cops. It's just the constant stress he is under and the fear of not being backed up.


Also like so many of these movies when you take it out of context I could see how a 21st century viewer would find it dull.

I saw it when it first came out. When it was shocking to finally see the corrupt brutal New York City cops we all knew existed portrayed on film. To know when you exited the theater you were back in their realm. Crime was off-the-charts in NYC in 1973 and the cops seemed unable to control it. They seemed unequal to the challenge. They seemed more interested in beating up anti-war protesters and feuding with Mayor Lindsey.

Some of the NYPD cops were downright scary. The corruption was so pervasive, it seemed to make any concept of community-based policing impossible. The cops had too many secrets to hide.

I watched this movie first-run and like most of the audience I was spellbound. Nobody made a sound in the theater from the opening scenes until the houselights came up as the credits played. As we exited members of the audience were tight-lipped, shaking our heads at one another as we walked up the aisle.

What a powerful powerful movie Serpico was IN IT'S TIME. Now? Ehhh...


True----I saw the film a couple of years back, and despite Pacino's intense performance, the movie basically lets him down----which is a shame,because Sidney Lumet was one of the best damn directors out there, period, in that era---check out THE HILL, THE ANDERSON TAPES, THE OFFENCE, and DOG DAY AFTERNOON as proof) and made films of great depth and detail, so it's surprising that this film,with its treatment of such compelling subject matter, didn't rise to his usual level of craftsmanship. It's a shame,because Serpico's story deserved better, and it should have been a more compelling film than it was.

Anyway, the real Serpico recently wrote this very good article on the current situation in Ferguson, and what to do about today's police corruption:

http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/10/the-police-are-still-ou t-of-control-112160.html#.VH-0CWfp_VA


You do realize this movie is based on a true story right?
Obviously, which is why I said:

And the movie was entirely too long for a story that's makes for a good newspaper article, but not much else.
If there was some plot to kill Serpico then it would be fiction.
That's the point of my post, i.e., it wasn't an interesting enough story to make a movie about, which resulted in a dull movie.
Do you find documentaries boring because they have "weak plots"?
Documentaries are great, if they are about something that is interesting.

I don't dance, tell jokes or wear my pants too tight, but I do know about a thousand songs.


So the bottom line is: you're not interested in Frank Serpico or the impact he had on law enforcement. I think it's fairly easy to deduce that you wouldn't find a film about him that interesting either.

~ I've been very lonely in my isolated tower of indecipherable speech.


So the bottom line is: you're not interested in Frank Serpico or the impact he had on law enforcement.
I didn't research "Frank Serpico or the impact he had on law enforcement" before watching the movie, and why would I? So that I could treat myself to "spoilers"? I figured if they made a major motion picture about it, it was probably an interesting story. I obviously gave them too much credit. Additionally, sometimes stories which seem dull when summarized can make for entertaining movies, due to e.g., having entertaining characters or somehow taking an interesting approach to telling an otherwise dull story. For example, I find even the worst Columbo movies entertaining, simply because Peter Falk's Columbo characterization was always so entertaining. Fortunately, most of the Columbo movies also have an interesting story, which is always a bonus.
I think it's fairly easy to deduce that you wouldn't find a film about him that interesting either.
See above.

I don't dance, tell jokes or wear my pants too tight, but I do know about a thousand songs.


it wasn't an interesting enough story to make a movie about

I think it's fairly easy to deduce that you wouldn't find a film about him that interesting either.See above.

See above.

~ I've been very lonely in my isolated tower of indecipherable speech.


^^^ Reading Disability Alert ^^^

I don't dance, tell jokes or wear my pants too tight, but I do know about a thousand songs.


No, no trouble at all deciphering your meaningless goop of text.

Obviously you don't find the film informative or insightful, but many people are interested in Frank Serpico's story and the film is pretty faithful in recreating the important events from his career. What you're advocating in your painful efforts to improve the "story" is cartoon ridiculousness that embellishes the facts and moves away from realism.

Many people like movies that actually involve real people and honest human drama, are gritty, shot on location- not in front of a green screen. People who complain about these films being boring also whine about most 70s films being slow paced and devoting actual attention to the story, acting, and atmosphere, like Exorcist, Jaws, or Godfather films.

Btw, Serpico wasn't based on a news article. It was adapted from his biography. Derp.

~ I've been very lonely in my isolated tower of indecipherable speech.


Yes, clearly you do, given that you made a post, then I made a post which negated your post, and you then repeated your post, which means you can't read well enough to realize your post had already been negated; thus: reading disability.
no trouble at all deciphering your meaningless goop of text.
Of course it was "meaningless" to you, simpleton; you've established that you have a reading disability.
What you're advocating in your painful efforts to improve the "story" is cartoon ridiculousness that embellishes the facts and moves away from realism.
An interesting crime case and an assassination plot is "cartoon ridiculousness"? You + an idiot = 2 idiots. By the way, you don't get to redefine the following two words:

1. Cartoon
2. Ridiculousness

Many people like movies that actually involve real people and honest human drama, are gritty, shot on location- not in front of a green screen.
That's nice, though irrelevant, considering those things and an interesting story are not even remotely mutually exclusive.
People who complain about these films being boring also whine about most 70s films being slow paced and devoting actual attention to the story, acting, and atmosphere, like Exorcist, Jaws, or Godfather films.
The Exorcist was good, Jaws was okay, and The Godfather was boring, and full of annoying characters as a "bonus". But regardless of that, you're just making stuff up here, and given that, consider it dismissed out of hand.
Btw, Serpico wasn't based on a news article. It was adapted from his biography.
That's your unfortunate reading disability talking again, i.e., I never claimed, suggested, nor even hinted that Serpico was based on a newspaper article.
Comical irony. See above, Slow Doug.

I don't dance, tell jokes or wear my pants too tight, but I do know about a thousand songs.


Godfather boring.

Ok well, go type that on the GF message board and see how long you last. You just chose to fish the Serpico board because it's an easy target and has less devoted fans to defend it.

Honestly, I'd take back everything I said and formally apologize to you if you did

~ I've been very lonely in my isolated tower of indecipherable speech.


Godfather boring.
Make that wicked boring.
Ok well, go type that on the GF message board and see how long you last.
"How long I last"? Good grief. Are you under the impression that they could somehow kick me off of the message board? By the way, I only post on the forums of movies or TV shows that I've recently watched, or have seen enough times to remember the details after a long period of time. The last time I watched The Godfather was in the early 1990s on VHS (it was split over two tapes because of its excessive running time). I remember very little about it aside from the characters being annoying and generally being bored. I'm not even remotely interested in watching that 3-hour snooze-fest again just to discuss it on a forum.

My favorite '70s movie is Rocky (1976); in fact, it is not just my favorite '70s movie, but one of my favorite movies in general. It has humor, entertaining characters, and an interesting story.
You just chose to fish the Serpico board because it's an easy target and has less devoted fans to defend it.
I chose Serpico because I'd just finished watching it when I made this thread. Consider your laughable attempt at a crystal ball reading dismissed, Miss Cleo.

I don't dance, tell jokes or wear my pants too tight, but I do know about a thousand songs.


I don't think Godfather films or Serpico are boring.

I think it's you who is boring. Deadly boring, and that's only compounded by the fact you've spent so long explaining to me how boring you are. What am I supposed to take away from this? Difference of opinion. Awesome, excellent.

~ I've been very lonely in my isolated tower of indecipherable speech.


Your non sequitur is dismissed.

I don't dance, tell jokes or wear my pants too tight, but I do know about a thousand songs.


I don't agree with you at all about Serpico, thought it was a really good movie, but God do I agree with you about The Godfather! What a snooze fest.

I get crucified every time i say it but it's just the way it is.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs





It is on DVD. Even if it's out of print you can get used copies from Amazon or Second Spin. Also it's streaming on Netflicks. Or it was a few weeks ago.


Blow it out your ass op


It is a TRUE story idiot. You wanted them to add a few GTA-style chase scenes didn't you?

the dirty cops that he was so hell-bent on bringing down weren't even doing anything outrageous (at least not by movie standards), like raping or murdering

Mature minds boggle at the stupidity

And to wrap it up, you said they should have added scenes about other cases he worked on, cases that really weren't germane to THIS, TRUE story. Astounding.


It is a TRUE story
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Comical irony, considering your following statement (which is a laughable attempt at a crystal ball reading, not to mention a tired internet cliche born of, and perpetuated by, idiots) establishes you as an idiot.
You wanted them to add a few GTA-style chase scenes didn't you?
This establishes you as an idiot (see above). Take note of it.
Mature minds boggle at the stupidity
Comical Irony Alert: Part II
And to wrap it up, you said they should have added scenes about other cases he worked on, cases that really weren't germane to THIS, TRUE story. Astounding.
Reading Disability Alert

In reality, I never said any such thing (which you would know if not for your unfortunate reading disability). Your stupidity has caused you to miss the point, which I summed up in the last sentence of my OP:

"And the movie was entirely too long for a story that makes for a good newspaper article, but not much else."

I don't dance, tell jokes or wear my pants too tight, but I do know about a thousand songs.


So Serpico AND The Godfather are boring movies? You have the worst taste and opinions on the planet. Do the world a favor kid.....


So Serpico AND The Godfather are boring movies?
You have the worst taste and opinions on the planet.
Your non sequitur is dismissed, simpleton.
Do the world a favor kid.....
I'm likely older than you, Johnny-come-lately.

I don't dance, tell jokes or wear my pants too tight, but I do know about a thousand songs.
