MovieChat Forums > Sssssss (1973) Discussion > IS this the movie I think it is? *Spoile...

IS this the movie I think it is? *Spoilers*

I saw this was airing on a movie channel, but the plot outline seemed wrong.
I remember a movie from when I was a kid, 70s yes, cheesy snake flick yes, and I KNOW the name was "Ssssss" cause I always thought that was a silly name.

But the movie I remember, there was a man who was picked on, dumped by his woman etc and he used snakes to take out revenge. I specifically remember a scene where he fills someone's swimming pool with poisonous water snakes and you see a scene of them diving of the board and midway through the dive, realizing what they are diving into.

But the plot outline on the info guide says this movie is about a young man being turned INTO a giant snake. I don't remember that.

Can anyone help clear my confusion?


I'm not sure what movie you are thinking of, but "SSSSSSS" is definitely about a man turning into a giant snake. Dirk Benedict (Face from the A-Team) works as a lab assistant for a doctor, who is insane and begins injecting him with a serum that eventually turns him into a snake. I saw it several years ago, and just caught the end of it a few minutes ago on a movie channel as well. I don't recall anything about anyone putting poisonous snakes in a swimming pool.

I'm assuming that it is being shown again now to try and capitalize on the release of "Snakes of a Plane".


Considering how long ago it was, and how old I was at the time, it is entirely possible I am mixing up two different films I saw.
The snake one I am remembering was very "Willard" like... more about the man using hordes of snakes as "weapons" to take out his ex girlfriend, former boss etc.

>>I'm assuming that it is being shown again now to try and capitalize on the release of "Snakes of a Plane".<<

No doubt. Maybe the other one I am remembering will pop up too. LOL

Thanks for answering and giving me a little more information to play with.


It was made in 1972, right between "Willard" and "Sssssss"... and it's called "Stanley"... between the snake theme and the S it's no wonder I have had them mixed up all these years.

By the way, if you like these types of flicks, if you like Willard etc, you should check it out... it's pretty cool for the time it was made and all.


I have tried and tried to find Willard! It's almost impossible without paying a fortune on eBay, because it's so long out of print or something. Netflix doesn't have it...I've haunted the bargain bins at Blockbuster, WalMart, Best Buy, etc. No luck at all. I remember I loved that movie because Bruce Davison was perfect as Willard, and Ernie Borgnine made a great, great "Mean Boss."

If anyone finds this movie available, please let me know!!


Willard was being shown as recently as last year (2005) on the Starz network, both in regular programming and as part of their "On Demand" package (at least via Comcast).


The film you're thinking of is called "Stanley." It was made in Florida in 1972 and stars Chris Robinson as an anti-social Seminole Indian Vietnam vet(right there, the producers are telling the audience "Look out- this guy's a wacko").
His character, Tim, doesn't like being around people and prefers the company of snakes- especially Eastern Diamondback rattlers. He seems to have a rapport with them and his prize pet, a diamondback named Stanley, is only too willing to take direction from Tim and put the bite on the assorted white-trash lowlifes who bedevil him throughout the film, I know snakes are intelligent. but I never knew they could understand spoken English commands like "Bite him on the hand." Amazing.

