MovieChat Forums > Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1973) Discussion > Paco's Dying Words in Theatrical Cut..?

Paco's Dying Words in Theatrical Cut..?

Was wondering if anybody out there has a copy of the 73 theatrical cut on VHS and would mind transcribing the words of Paco (emilio fernandez) during his death scene with his daughter & billy...this is the ONLY thing that is missing from the 1988 preview version and 2005 recut (the 88 & 05 versions feature alternate dialogue about paco wanting to build a house & veranda...I agree its marginally better than the original dialogue-having seen the original as well-but I wish,just for completness' sake,that the commentary track on the new 2-DVD set had included the exact dialogue & not merely an approximation). Any input on this very much welcomed.Thanx


I have the 1973 ( 106 minutes ) version , I'll check it out for ya ...


You will not get to Mexico, Billy, you will go back. You will say it was because Chism killed me, but it's because you will not change, Billy.

Paco's very last few words seem to be in Spanish. I couldn't get them, despite several attempts.

Billy: I'm goin' back.


Paco´s final words in spanish:

- Billy, siento mucho frío...¿Como te sientes tu, billy?

Something like:

- I feel very cold, billy...¿How do you feel, billy?

By the way, has anyone notice that the R2 release of the dvd has vanished of after only one week? I was waiting for them to release the legendary westerns pack. Now I´m afraid I lost both chances.
