"Lemora" on DVD

I'm surprised that i can't find it mentioned here... This year Synapse Film will publish "Lemora" on DVD. They found a 35mm-copy of the movie and made a high definition transfer so look forward folks, this could be a good one!
Btw. the running time of 113 minutes for the director's cut is wrong. It's the running time of the Moore Video (VHS) which includes an interview with the director Richard Blackburn.


Is this available yet?


I read about this movie in a FANGORIA book and have only been able to find one copy well over $100 on ebay. why is it so hrd to get???



I picked mine up at a Convention recently for $20 from a Synapse Films rep but you ought to be able to order it online or check local high-end book store chain that sells more obscure DVDs.


I got a look at one of Synapse's 'Check Discs' for Lemora...

It's beautiful! *Definitely* worth the wait.



I've just ordered the DVD, but is the disk transfer-resistant? It's just that I'm in a Region 2 area.


If you're having trouble finding this on DVD, and you live near a Best Buy, I've seen the Synapse release of this for sale there. Seems like it was around $15. I recall reading about this movie back in the 1970s, under the LEMORA, LADY DRACULA title, but have yet to see it. Based on the rave reviews, I'm tempted to pick up a copy during my next visit to the store.



It's an excellent DVD. I especially enjoyed the photo gallery and the highly informative commentary by writer/director Richard Blackburn and actress Lesley Gilb. Beautiful widescreen presentation, too.

"Warren Oates died for our sins"


I got it last Halloween in Amoeba for like 7 bucks. If you live in CA you can easily get it!

"Shhh, pay attention. You may miss something..."


I saw this movie when I pretty young in the 70's. I would've been 10 in 1975, not sure when I saw it though. But I remember it being pretty scary, at least for a young kid anyway. Can't wait to get the DVD. I barely remember anything else about it.
