Truly beautiful...
This is probably my favourite of those very low budget 70's horror movies (Messiah of Evil, The Child, etc.) - I just revisited it, and I was struck by how haunting it still is.
Yes, the low budget may detract from a couple of scenes - the climactic battle in particular, but the whole thing is so artistically and skillfully done that you immediately forgive the cosmetic defects. I was disappointed to see that neither Gilb nor Blackburn had done much else, horror or otherwise. The three leads (including hunky director Blackburn) do amazingly well, and Leslie Gilb underplays her juicy lines with an icy serenity. And what lines they are! "What an exciting figure you have." "If someone has it in them to love me, they love me from the minute that they see me."
The film is beautifully lit, and there is an eerie atmosphere throughout. It's even a little spooky at times, such as when Lila encounter her father-turned-beast, and when she tries to escape Lemora's vampire henchmen. Thematically, I find the movie provocative but also tasteful - it deals with Lila becoming aware of her sexuality for the first time, but it doesn't show anything it doesn't need to.
Synapse were planning an HD release a few years back - does anyone know if a blu-ray release is a possibility?