Longer/uncut version?

I was just wondering if anyone out there in IMDB land knows if there exists a longer version of this terrific movie? I have heard for years that such a one exists (ditto for Count Yorga), but have found no evidence that this is correct.
By the way. Lemora was the very last movie shown on the late, lamented Bob Wilkins/John Stanley Creature Feature show (on KGO?) that rocked and shocked the Bay Area for years.


I would love to see an uncut version of this film. I'm not sure it's still in existence. I remember something about the old original film getting lost. I could be wrong. The only one who probably knows is Richard Blackburn.

I still love this movie.


The Synapse DVD is uncut. Director Blackburn confirms as much in the audio commentary. Also, while some labels like Anchor Bay and Blue Underground, and even Criterion often claim their feature releases are fully uncut and uncensored, to the best of my knowledge Don May, Jr. (Synapse Films President) is not a man that makes such claims lightly.

What we see as spectacle is in fact a ceremony


well, this supposed uncut version of Lemora is stated to run at 113 minutes, and the synapse dvd runs only 85 minutes. Either this mysterious "uncut version" is just an urban legend, or the synapse dvd is missing 28 minutes!

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


You can rest assured the Synapse DVD is complete and uncut. Try listening to the audio commentary.

Also, here's Synapse Prez, Don May, Jr.'s response:

The 113 minute version running time is a bunch of bunk, actually. The error started when Moore Video put out LEMORA on VHS many years ago and included the running time of their documentary as part of the total running time, causing the confusion. Lemora is uncut at approx. 85 minutes.

What we see as spectacle is in fact a ceremony


Thank you for clearing that up. It will save somebody from searching for something that doesn't exist!
"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


Be advised that the Wikipedia entry for this film includes information on the supposed "uncut" version. The source for this information is not noted.


Hey CB, nice to see you and thanks for clearing that up, as i was wondering about the 113 minute version. I only watched this a few days ago for the first time and I'm kicking myself I waited so long to see it, I really liked it a lot. I found it reminiscent of Messiah of Evil and wonder if it influenced Suspiria actually. Great film anyway.

"Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!"


Hey CV, great to hear from you. It was the supposed 113 minute version that got me digging. One thing I can't stand is any of my flicks being cut. Very enjoyable film. I read about it many times; Nathaniel Thompson covered it in his DVD Delirium book series and it was on my wish list for a good few years and pretty sure I bought it shortly before I posted on this thread. I also compared it with Messiah Of Evil and lined these two up as a triple bill for a few buddies with Let's Scare Jessica To Death. Can't remember the order we watched them but it was a great day! I never noticed the link with Suspiria but as ever, your keen eye raises an interesting point and perhaps that would've made an even better viewing experience.

My life's been upside-down for the last half-year. Long story but I haven't seen or bought much of anything lately. I bought a bunch of the films you recommended the last time we chatted and I absolutely loved End Of The Line. As I'm waaay out of touch with what's been going on recently, please let me know if you've got any hot recommendations.

It's funny because we started chatting over the Thundercrack! board some years ago and I'm still hoping that Synapse are going to give us a treat with the fully unexpurgated, cleaned-up of release of that. It's been a long time comin'!

Suicide, it’s a suicide


Yeah I was hunting about myself until I came across this thread. It's funny you should mention Let's Scare Jessica to Death as I also made the comparison on a thread I made on it.
http://www.imdb.com/board/bd0000024/nest/216592115?d=216592115#2165921 15
I just felt that the actual visual style of Lemora, combined with its hints of witchcraft and dream like atmosphere was very reminiscent of Suspiria and I have to wonder if Argento seen it and was somewhat inspired.

I'm really glad you liked End of the Line, (speaking of which, recognise my avatar?), I've been pimping that one for ages now, really great indie film. And I gotta ask: What is your verdict on its actual premise? Was it all real, or mass hysteria brought on by eating the probably drugged muffins? I'm inclined to go with the second option myself. But that's what I love about the film, it's one of the rare horrors where ambiguity works all the better for it and the director Maurice Devereaux never comes right out and tells the audience in the commentary, he simply leaves it up to you to decide.

Sorry to hear things have been a bit topsy turvy for you, it's the same down my end, I've had a bit of an eventful year also. Hope all's well with you and yours anyway.

Yeah, I thought it was Code Red and not Synapse that were supposed to be releasing it actually and it would fit with CR's claims to be releasing something (remember The Farmer?) and then... not releasing it.
I dunno if I told you about 36 Pasos yet, but if I didn't, it's by Adrian Bogliano who did No Morira Sola, and do check it out as it's one of the most original, quirkiest and offbeat horrors I've seen in years, despite it having a paltry $5000 budget. Definitely worth checking out.

And btw, believe it or not, but against all odds the Maniac remake is surprisingly damn good and the best outcome any fan of the original could have hoped for. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2103217/reviews-8

Anyway, enough pimping of my reviews, really good to see you're still posting and always a pleasure.

"Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!"


strange-the Spanish version lists "Duree" at 81 mins and thats at PAL


Why strange? In the PAL format the running time is 88 minutes (4% speedup), so the spanish version is cut and far from being complete
