Yeah I was hunting about myself until I came across this thread. It's funny you should mention Let's Scare Jessica to Death as I also made the comparison on a thread I made on it. 15
I just felt that the actual visual style of Lemora, combined with its hints of witchcraft and dream like atmosphere was very reminiscent of Suspiria and I have to wonder if Argento seen it and was somewhat inspired.
I'm really glad you liked End of the Line, (speaking of which, recognise my avatar?), I've been pimping that one for ages now, really great indie film. And I gotta ask: What is your verdict on its actual premise? Was it all real, or mass hysteria brought on by eating the probably drugged muffins? I'm inclined to go with the second option myself. But that's what I love about the film, it's one of the rare horrors where ambiguity works all the better for it and the director Maurice Devereaux never comes right out and tells the audience in the commentary, he simply leaves it up to you to decide.
Sorry to hear things have been a bit topsy turvy for you, it's the same down my end, I've had a bit of an eventful year also. Hope all's well with you and yours anyway.
Yeah, I thought it was Code Red and not Synapse that were supposed to be releasing it actually and it would fit with CR's claims to be releasing something (remember The Farmer?) and then... not releasing it.
I dunno if I told you about 36 Pasos yet, but if I didn't, it's by Adrian Bogliano who did No Morira Sola, and do check it out as it's one of the most original, quirkiest and offbeat horrors I've seen in years, despite it having a paltry $5000 budget. Definitely worth checking out.
And btw, believe it or not, but against all odds the Maniac remake is surprisingly damn good and the best outcome any fan of the original could have hoped for.
Anyway, enough pimping of my reviews, really good to see you're still posting and always a pleasure.
"Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!"