MovieChat Forums > The Last of Sheila (1973) Discussion > i didn't like it that much, to tell you ...

i didn't like it that much, to tell you the truth

after reading all the rave reviews here, maybe my expectations were too high. i thought the camerawork, editing and sound left a lot (!) to be desired. the script is like something written by two "queens" high on drugs. it's importance seems to be that the film is a curio that reflects hollywood usa in the hippie era meets gay liberation era. is it worth seeing just to watch raquel welch hold up the "i am a homosexual" game card? i just don't think it's a great or even a good film. maybe someday i will. right now, however, i can't recommend it.



"I believe the film to be one of the most cleverly and impressively shot Hollywood films of the '70s."

How perfectly droll. You really don't see that the camera work is about as inventive as your average episode of Murder, She Wrote? Fascinating...


Clearly, pearls before swine......and apparently homophobic swine, at that. Oink, oink.


I thought that having the murderer be the "hero detective" solving the mystery being a good plot device and a great plot as well. The Editing and shot choice was excellent giving important information to the audience every step of the way once yhou know what to look for. Maybe this movie requires multiple viewings or a certain level of higher level of intelligence,Just maybe?.
Oh GOOD!,my dog found the chainsaw


"two "queens" high on drugs"

"the hippie era meets gay liberation era"

"the "i am a homosexual" game card"

sounds very objective and impartial review to me!!!


Are you supposed to be left in the dark as to what happened until it's revealed? I found myself at least one step ahead all the time, not a lot of suspense. I expected more I guess.


Yeah I agree this movie is tepid.... but so so many rave reviews!! I think because of all the hollywood inside gossip and inuendo included that goes over the heads of most viewers. And the actors seemed so bored and mechanical in the second half. A remake if done well, with involved actors would be fun, but how could that ever happen without a great director with a clever vision and no interference from hundreds of "producers"?? Remember the movie, Swimming Pool? Now that was a clever, sophisticated who dunnit. A eemake along those lines with a touch of humor would be enjoyable.
