
Just two guys in motorcycle leathers, full face helmets and some cycle goggles manage to stand in for a seemingly vast army of goons ... naturally only two of which are in shot at any one time. The end credits tell us the truth we have suspected for the whole movie, there are only two "bikers" ... lol

That movie has warped my fragile little mind.


Watched this film after getting home from the pub. Some aboslutley funny moments
including the dwarf guy getting the two guys out of the cell. Also the doctor
randomly hitting people with a stick.


Yes, very cheap. The 1966 movie The Undertaker And His Pals employed three evil bikers which qualifies said film as an epic!


I wonder if those bikers inspired Daft Punk.


Daft Punk must be fans of this movie!

It's that man again!!


That would be a cool mashup, actually.
