Question about the lyrics from "By My Side"

I have a question about the lyrics from "By My Side":

"Let me skip the road with you,
I can dare myself.
I'll put a pebble in my shoe,
and watch me walk,
I can walk and walk.
I shall call the pebble dare.
We will talk together about walking.
Dare shall be carried,
And when we both have had enough
I will take him from my shoe singing
Meet your new road......"

What is the meaning of these lyrics? Is this from a Biblical parable?



Image result for pebble in shoe bible verse
A small pebble in my shoe. No matter how small it is, the pebble hurts my foot as I walk, causing me to eventually stop, take off my shoe, and get it out. its from a bible verse


Thanks. I figured that, but why does she sing "I will call the pebble dare" ? Why is she naming the pebble?

