Cry my a** off

I noticed someone else mentioned this...but anyway...I just watched this with my 5 year old and I literally cryed til my face hurt!!! I remember watching this as a child and crying...every single time I've watched it...but,man,you'd think youd eventually reach an age where you dont weep over it anymore!!!

*** Marry me,Hal! ***




It really gets to me actually, and I never cry.

Last Movie Seen:Wedding Crashers


I'm glad it's not just me! I remember crying every time the book was read to me when I was teeny, and whenever I read it myself when I was older. I actually just managed to tape it a few years back, on Disney Channel, and watched it again today (I'm 27) and was absolutely bawling at the end! My cats all were giving me very worried looks; 'why is mom making those weird sounds???'


I would alwasy cry back when I was growing up watching the movie. I am going to go rent it tomorrow hopefully just so I can cry again 'cause I feel like watching it. I just hope the new version is just as powerful. I don't care what critics may say, this movie is awesome!


If you want to really cry, try the audiobook read by the author. Once rare and scarce, it is now available through the ebook and audiobook service Libby, available at many libraries.
