Right of Passage

I loved this as a child. I rewatched it tonight and realized that this book/movie was a right of passage for me. It was the first time I ever read a book where a character I cared for died. It was one of my first glimpses into adulthood and the real world. I can't think of many other books or movies that did that for me. Old Yeller, maybe. But, like Phoebe on Friends, I never watch the end:)


I kind of feel that way myself.


It's fussing over grammar, but it's actually "rite of passage".


And you don't watch the end? Just how early did you cut off the movie so you don't know about Charlotte's death? Although, you should've already been spoiled several times around this board since I think it's a given if one knows the story. Not as obvious as Titanic though.


