'nobody likes templeton'

Why did Fern say that nobody on the farm likes Templeton? It must have been Fern's personally opinion because where in the movie does any of the animals remotely hint to disliking him? I can only semise that it is because little girls usually hate rats and mice but she made it seemed like everybody hated Templeton.


I suppose it's because here, as in the book, he's meant to be sarcastic, cynical and nasty. I think he's great (but then those charges have often been levelled at me).


What she said was, "Nobody likes him MUCH."

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


THANK YOU!!!! You seem to be a pereson who remembers and appreciates these old, animated movies for what they truly are.


Hey, how can you hate him? He's the only character in the movie who gets the hiccups, and as we all know, hiccups are funny. :D


I liked him. I mean, yeah, he was only doing those errands to get rewards, but he saved a life by doing them, so that must count for something.


...and to go with all that, Steve Buscemi is doing his voice for the live movie, great choice or what??


who couldn't like Templeton?
He's remarks made this movie.I just saw this again on HBO for first time in years and forgot how funny he was.


I love Templeton! He's in my favorite song, "A Veritable Smorgasbord." I'm convinced they named the bad guy from "Commander in Chief" after him.

Formerly rose-lisa

My name's Andy

Do you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry men?


Instead of Avery wanting to capture Charlotte in a jar, what if he saw Templeton creeping along one of the rafters and wanted to shoot him with his BB gun? Would Fern stop him? Would she say, "Nobody likes him much, go ahead and shoot him."?
Would Wilbur charge at him and knock him down? Would Charlotte alight on the back of his neck and bite him?


I think Templeton's hilarious; he's been my favorite of the supporting characters since childhood. I first saw the film in the '80s, and had forgotten a great deal about it until recently (thank you, DirecTV). It had been so long, I didn't even remember it being a musical...but I still smiled through most of it.


I thought Templeton was hilarious. I think he also secretly liked Wilbur because he kept getting those newspaper clippings for him. Very sweet.... :)


He was selfish and lazy but I liked him because he did care. He was a flawed rat yes, but at the end of the day he always came through! lol
