Fave character?
Templeton is awesome.
Temleton and Goose... hehe they're hilarious!
We are so going to hell for this...
The goose is definately my favorite.
"Y'all are SO wack."
"Nope, just regular-type."
wilbur annoyed me so much that actually part of me was waiting for him to die!!! my favourite character was charlotte, because that's my name. yes it's a lame reason but i don't care!
shareTempelton is the best!! Think of this line - "Seasoned with the passage of time and the heat of the day"
You haven't truly lived until you've heard Paul Lynde sing "A Fair is a Veritable Smorgasbord-orgasbord-orgasbord".
shareCharlotte is my favorite.
Her voice is just soo incredibly soothing!!!
i did have to do the play charlottes web in 4th grade. I was Fern. I liked Fern, she was very sweet....but I must say, I agree with captain james hook, templeton rocks!
its also amazing that this little story still lives even though it was written in 1952.
"Your empidermus is showing"-Nelson
Templeton. I even have a pet rat named Templeton. I love this movie so much, I watched it every day when I was a kid.
Shut the hell up, Shake.
I'd definately have to go with the goose "T-double-E-double-R-double-I-double-F-double-I-double-C-C-C" or "I'm no flibberty-ibberty-gibbit!"
One by one, the penguins steal my sanity
Proud Member of FLOMUK
OMG You rock. I have been thinking of that quote (the T-double-E etc. one) of ages and just couldn't remember it properly. Thanx !!!!
Well I SHOULD remember it, my mom and I say it all the time! LoL. Whenever someone says "terrific" we both break into "T-double-E-double-R-double-I-double-F-double-I-double-C-C-C!"
Because nobody suspects the butterfly...
Proud Halepeño!
Have you guys ever noticed this? After the goose spells terrific then the sheep spells it the right way. Well, then the goose tries to spell it again and Charlotte says, "Please let me spell it my way." Then she just spells it the way the sheep does. So she should have said, "The sheep is right; let's spell it that way."
She is so prideful!
Meh, she's a spider. what can you expect?
Because nobody suspects the butterfly...
Proud Halepeño!
tempelton, he was the funniest (in a good way) charachters
shareTempleton of course. He stole the whole movie.
We gave you a chance
To water the plants
But we didn't mean that way
So zip up your pants