The Ram was the real hero of the story.
The Ram gets a lot of flack on this board, but he really is the hero of the story.
1. If it wasn't for his blunt remark, Wilbur would have gone on living in bliss until the day of slaughter. He had the guts to say what no one else would. His remark set off a chain of events which led to Zuckerman's decision to spare Wilbur's life.
2. He would not allow his child to play in the pig pen. This undoubtedly would have caused the Zuckermans to move Wilbur and he would never have met Charlotte.
3. He reminded Wilbur that he needs to act like a pig when he was to be loaded into the crate. Wilbur never lived around other pigs, so he had no idea what was normal for a pig. The Ram, who had grown bitter after seeing countless pig friends slaughtered, couldn't bear to see another pig die, advised Wilbur on how to avoid trouble.
Let's face it, the Ram saved Wilbur's life. He essentially turned Wilbur into a man.