MovieChat Forums > Don't Look Now Discussion > whats with the priest and the detective?

whats with the priest and the detective?

Loved the film and its always good when a film leaves you with questions. Was the detective drawing the face of the serial killer and thats why he was so intrested in johns story as the serial killer was old much like the old blind lady. Also did the detective know that the serial killer wore a red coat, the part i didnt understand was the priests part in the film and his ring? Was there any signaficance there, found the priest a bit creepy too


The priest was corrupt, and cared more about riches than faith. I thought that kissing his ring because he was high up. I know very little about catholics. He appeared to have a vision during the death scene, as well.


I am a Catholic and can answer this. In the catholic church it is traditional and respectful to kiss the ring of a Bishop, but not so with priests. Italian catholics are much more traditional so she might have been following tradition as she admits that she doesn't follow a faith herself.


The priest had the sight also. He and the detective come off as creepy because they are meant to make you suspect them as the serial killer or at least involved with the murders somehow. I thought they made pretty good red herrings myself.
