for someone who lost a child
For a young couple who lost a young daughter, they seemed pretty relaxed.
They did not look grief stricken at all. They seem to be enjoying life to the fullest.
what gives ????
For a young couple who lost a young daughter, they seemed pretty relaxed.
They did not look grief stricken at all. They seem to be enjoying life to the fullest.
what gives ????
He does mention that before meeting the women, she was in a very depressed state and that after meeting them she became happy and completely different than she was before (due to the death of their daughter)...
Who are you carrying all those bricks for?
Repression was part of John's problem. The film suggests that by repressing his psychic abilities he fails to save his child in time, and eventually gets himself killed.
shareHave you ever suffered from grief? It's not a 24/7 thing. Humans have the ability to get on with everyday tasks/living. Grief comes and smacks you in the face when you're undertaking the most banal of tasks and you lose yourself in it. You then return to the land of the living and it will happen to you again when you least expect it. As the years go on these instances are less frequent but when they happen they are still as raw and strong.
shareForemost, Laura takes tranquilizers which shows that she is so overcome with grief that she cannot attend to her basic needs in her natural state. That pushes John in to a compulsion to remain as calm and rational as possible to preserve the shred of sanity that his wife has left and save their strained marriage. John's mourning comes through when he loudly reinforces to Laura that Christine is dead. The couple need space and time to pull themselves back to normalcy for their surviving child. Johnny is sent to boarding school so that he is not dragged in to his parents' turmoil, but the latter want to eventually return to raising their son.
shareNot to mention, they had no problem leaving their son behind after for months at a time.
shareIt seemed like it had been like a year or something since their daughter died.