MovieChat Forums > Don't Look Now Discussion > Possibly an easy question.

Possibly an easy question.

I made the mistake of watching this while I was working and though I think I picked up quite a bit, the ending was confusing. Were we meant to know who the old woman was? Or was it just that she was some random and not his daughter at all?

I really liked the movie but I need to rewatch it and pay full attention lol.


The old woman is not random; she fleetingly appears throughout the film. Don't Look Now is one of those films you have to give your full undivided attention otherwise you will miss quite a lot.


Yeah, I get that she appears fleetingly, but I guess what I meant by "random" was that we don't really know who she is, motive or relation to anything? But yeah, I'm definitely going to rewatch it!! Very interesting and under-rated film!


Both coincidence that she resembled the daughter and also to boost the shock ending.

"Sorry. If I've not responded to you either it wasn't necessary or I've set you to Ignore."


She was the serial killer. There was a scene where they pulled a body out of the water and a mention that there had been other victims which would mean at least tree before him. She probably lured the other people the same way, by making think she was a child in need of help.
