Steve was a total douche

Watched this last night for the first time in a while... I always knew Steve was my least favorite of the four main characters, but I had forgotten just how much of a douche he was. He treated Laurie like crap - don't get me started on him trying to force her to dance with him when she didn't want to - and he was just a selfish, egotistical jerk in general. I think the only truly nice thing he did in the movie was let Toad use his car. So were we supposed to see him as a complete douche? Can't figure out if he was meant to be a dick or not.

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.


It was an especially classy move to ask Laurie for some of her fries before he kicked her to the curb.

Hallelujah. Here she comes. Queen Rollerball.


Right... although according to him, they were still officially together, just seeing other people. Because that always works out. Though I also got the impression that he was thinking more along the lines that HE would be seeing other people and she would just wait for him - not sure he was thinking of her at all when he came up with his master plan. She deserved better than him... and I'm kind of surprised that Curt didn't have an issue with the way Steve treated his sister. Maybe it was the era.

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.


And here I thought Ritchie Cunningham was a nice guy! Howard should have grounded him!

Keith Moon was the greatest 'Keith Moon Style' drummer ever!!


Master plan, you mean the one where he finds a dazzling beauty at college that will serve as his devoted consort & complete his image as the BMOC that he will obviously be there, just like he was in HS?

I'm sure this plan also included letting Laurie down easy via the USPS as well. In addition to being a douche he was also kind of a coward, especially in dealings with the ladies.

I think Curt was too mixed up trying to figure out what he wanted to be when he grew up to be that worried about anyone else. He was in kind of an existential funk through that whole night.

Hallelujah. Here she comes. Queen Rollerball.



Or, how about when he tries to pressure Laurie into having premarital sex while they're in his car? Then, when she refuses, he accuses her of being self righteous and mentions something about her "watching her brother". i'm guessing she must've walked in on Curt playing with his dingy...but i'm still not 100% sure about that. Any thoughts?


I thought Steve was the least likable of the 4 guys and most of the scenes he was in with Laurie were my least favorites of the film, I agree he did seem to be arrogant, I thought Laurie can be a bitch herself.


"don't get me started on him trying to force her to dance with him when she didn't want to"

It sounds like reluctant dancing now comes under the "rape" heading.
