Where are we going?

I just checked out Soapssheknows forum and its different. Will take a few to get used to.
I guess everything is going the way of Instagram and snapchat.

I know I offended some of you with my colorful descriptions of the characters. That wasn't my goal, I just wanted to express my dislike of many of the storylines.

This feels like another blow to us soap lovers that lost the Guiding Light and ATWT.


At least we have a couple weeks to check out the other sites to see which might be the best. I've only ever participated on the IMDB boards so I don't know much about the others. We should be able to use the same or at least similar user names so we can all find each other. I'm willing to try whichever gets the most votes.

It seems strange that I'm so sad about possibly losing contact with people I've never met but you all have filled a place left empty when my mom passed away. She's the reason I started watching. Sometimes we'd call each other just to talk about something that happened on the show. It's been a great comfort knowing you all were there, usually conmenting on something ridiculous that a character did, just like my mom would. I hope we can find some place to reconnect.


You won't find me at soap she knows. It's a brutal place for Sharon fans like me. I post on Soap Central, but it is heavily moderated. I also post on Jokersupdates.com. It's sort of like IMDB in that there are many different forums you can post on. Y&R isn't a very popular board there though. It's moderated, but you can pretty much say anything as long as it's not directed negatively at other posters.


Flyingcircusgirl, your post made me nostalgic. I'm sorry for the loss of your mother.

Kristen, thanks for the heads up. I am not into Sharon shaming. I'll check out the other suggestions.


Thanks, Syrus. We don't always appreciate the people in our lives until they're gone. The positive is that I'm closer to my sisters now since we don't have our mom as the central communication point. She used to relay what was going on with everyone and we realized that we hardly ever actually talked to each other!

Thanks for the info on the other boards, Kristen. I checked out the jokersupdates.com board and it's got potential. I kind of like that it only has a few active posters. That makes it feel more like what we've had here. It's not very phone friendly but I can try it. One of the first posts I saw was about how great the actress who plays Faith is, though. That concerns me. :-)


I have made close friends with a few people in the group -- so close, that we've met, we've visited each others' homes (and I'm not talking people around the block -- I'm in NY and two close buddies of mine are in Wisconsin and Florida!)

This is such a blow.

Did anyone else sign the petition?


I signed it although I don't expect it to matter.


I signed too but also don't see it making a difference. It seems they want users to go to their twitter or facebook page. I did look at the FB page and it was all "please don't shut down the discussion boards" type of posts.


Oh yes, Jokers is very phone unfriendly, unfortunately.


I have to agree about soapcentral being heavily moderated. I've had an account for years but don't often post. That's one of the boards I visit regularly to read though. They have a daily live viewing thread that's fairly lively but that's my Twitter time.

Soap Opera Network's Y&R thread has a lively bunch of posters that I enjoy reading. Those people seem to be all-time hard core soap people who have a repository of soap knowledge that is deep and spans various soaps, writing regimes & storylines all the way back to the 70s (& probably further). I don't have an account there but it doesn't seem heavily moderated so that's a plus.


I joined the Facebook group for Y/R but all anyone seems to post is "is he hot or not". I'll miss coming on here. I imagine they are tired of moderating. All of the reporting negative posters. I understand why they are doing it. I read much more than I post. But I will miss it.


I signed too. FlyingCircusGirl-- so very sorry for your loss. My grandmother was my y & r buddy and she just passed too. Was so happy to find this forum and everyone here. Is anyone tech-savvy? Maybe there is a way we can create a fan site.
