Victoria, call that girl who goes to guys houses to have sex parents!
Let them know that their daughter thinks she's the wicked witch for not letting her use her home to jump on her 15 year old sons penis!
Let them know that their daughter thinks she's the wicked witch for not letting her use her home to jump on her 15 year old sons penis!
Wow...Why call her a whore! They're teenagers.
shareWhy should teenagers get a pass for terrible behavior? Victoria told Reed to get that girl out of the house and the girl posts a nasty pic of Victoria as the wicked witch? What a disrespectful bitch! Going to someone elses home to slob all over Reeds nob and then getting upset when she is asked to leave?
sharethe girl sounds entitled.
idk if its common but when I was a teenager the first time I went over someones house didnt feel comfortable unless i met the parents first.
my mom didnt let me go out unless she talked to the parents before.
"I think I liked it better when I thought Sylar ate brains." -Warriorrenegade
And tell them what? Your fully clothed daughter was kissing my fully clothed son on the couch? Most parents would respond with that's called making out, a common teenage pastime since at least the 1970s on TV & probably way before that in real life.