What's next for Sharon?

Now that Sharon's marriage to Dylan is over, what should her next storyline be? I think that it would be interesting if Wayne returns to Genoa City again and Sharon hooks up with him again. Lauren could be the reason why he is back in Genoa City on business. I also think another interesting storyline would be for Sharon to begin reaching out to Stitch, since he is Dylan's best friend...causing them to get close.


I think they should give her a try with Stitch. Or back with Nick then recast Dylan and have her drop Nick like a hot potato. That would be funny :)


I've always thought that a Sharon/Stitch pairing would be interesting. They really would have something to bond over...Dylan. It would make sense for Sharon to reach out to Stitch for comfort.


Instead of "what's" next for Sharon, it should be "who's" next for Sharon. No way will they leave Sharon without a man in her life.


Only thing is I think for that to work, Stitch would have to know the real reason Dylan left, not the made up reason that makes it Sharon's fault. Otherwise why would he feel the need to comfort Sharon?


What's next for Sharon should be some good honest healing. Getting back on track; perhaps undoing the stupid story line of her bipolar thing; and having her return to being healthy and a generally decent human being.


I agree.

I'd like to see the return of Doris Collins. The character of Sharon works best when she is portrayed as the "nice girl with some flaws."

The current writers are going to great lengths to avoid "Victor the Villian" and are giving us "Victor, the beloved husband and patriarch." (Anyone else noticed how many times Victor has said "My baby" to Nikki in the past 6 weeks and how little time he spends in the office?).

However, one quick dose of "Victor the Villain" could solve some major issues with the show: Manipulative Victor bribed doctors to (1) misdiagnose a healthy Nikki with MS in order to keep her scared and dependent on him; and (2) misdiagnose a healthy Sharon as bipolar and provide her with mind-altering medication to provoke odd behavior in order to "punish" her for all of the "harm" that she has inflicted on Nick and the Newman family. Not original but would clear out a lot of "debris" of these characters.


Amazing how the MS has disappeared from the Newman landscape. And yes, this clearly needs to be written out -- maybe not from the perspective of Victor bribing, but an honest to goodness medical error. She's been asymptomatic for so long, that it can be easily fixed by a follow up exam, and not a miracle "cure" (please, no, not that) but a "oops -- we totally missed the boat here" thing.

The Sharon thing -- perhaps the "Dick Dastardly" evil Victor would work there -- but again, a miss on that would be good too.

Just clean up the old dirt that the prior writers were slinging because they had no real story telling skills. Just bullsh*t thinking it would keep viewers.

Meantime, BrockLong -- what are we going to do about the boards?


Yeah, she'll be blabbing that in no time. She almost spilled the beans to Chelsea today.

I do not want to see her with Snitch. He is an idiot and I want him and his stupid kid to stay gone.
I say put her back with Nick.

An intellectual carrot , the mind boggles


Who is she going to tell? Give her more credit than that.


Sharon and Stitch could be hot together!


How about Sharon gets away from anyone named Newman and moves to a new place. She gets a job and just starts working on living a good life for herself.


She has two kids named Newman, she can't get away from them.
