I understand what a love to hate character is. That's how I felt about Katherine Chancellor. Kay could be funny, mean, or anything in between, but she never had to chew the scenery to death.
I'm all for scenery chewing characters to stir the pot, but when they are used too often they end up ruining the drama and the funny parts. Most of the time the best humor isn't up in your face. And no one needs it in their face on daily basis.
I don't love to hate Gloria because she's too much, all the time. If they would've stopped at the Jack/Gloria bed scene and had her come back in two weeks to do something else that would've worked. Instead they saturate the whole Fenmore storyline with her.I find myself taking a bathroom/snack break, or FF her, as we get farther into an episode she is on. It's too much.
Gloria is in full face making mode for simple random conversations. IT'S LIKE ALWAYS TYPING IN CAPS! A SENTENCE OF IT IS ENOUGH, YOU DON'T WANT TO READ PAGES TYPED THIS WAY.