This is one of my very favorite movies.....
I saw this movie in a theater when I was 12 years old when it came out in '72. I LOVED Barbra Streisand (still do) and wanted to sing like her (still can't). My mother let us sit through it twice. It's difficult to see if you watch it on TV or video, but in most of Streisand's scenes she's wearing a small gold chain with what looks like a gold baby ring on it. I wanted a necklace like that so badly but couldn't afford or find one. So I got a small cheap goldtone chain necklace from the drugstore and bought one of those Bic ballpoint pens from back then that came in different colors and had a clicking retractable point in it. These Bic pens also had a silvertoned ring in the middle where you unscrewed the pen to replace the ink when you needed to (I haven't looked, but maybe they're still in existence). I took that ring from the pen and put it on the cheap chain I bought and wore it proudly to school for months until it got gross, discolored, and black. I think I'm even wearing it in my 6th grade school picture.
Yes I know; I was pathetic. But it was okay back then.
I've always wondered if that necklace she wore in the movie had a story behind it, or meant something special to Streisand.
By the way, when I watch this movie today I now see how hysterical Madeline Kahn is. I guess I identify more with her at this point in my life. I started out a Barbra Steisand wanna be and ended up a Eunice Burns.
I'm still pathetic.