Shot of Barbra in the final scene
Ok, I don't know if anyone besides me will have noticed this, but here goes. I've had this movie, taped off tv, since about 1990, and I've watched it way too many times to count. So recently I got the dvd (yay!) but in the very final scene, the "Love means never having to say you're sorry" scene, there is a brief, close-up shot of Barbra missing from the dvd. It goes like this:
Judy: Let me tell you something. Love means never having to say you're sorry.(she blinks a few times)
CUT to Howard staring at her.
THEN on the dvd he says IMMEDIATELY "That's the dumbest thing I ever heard", but on my video tape it goes like this:
Judy: Let me tell you something. Love means never having to say you're sorry.(she blinks a few times)
CUT to Howard staring at her -
CUT to JUDY, completely still, with her eyes open and a very stupid and therefore extremely funny, expression on her face -
CUT back to Howard and THEN only does he say "That's the dumbest thing I ever heard."
Did anyone else ever spot this? I know it's a completely random, split second shot, but why on earth would they take it out? It can't be that there were two cuts of the movie circulating because I didn't spot any other differences.
I'm just annoyed that it's gone because I really loved the expression on her face!
Never judge things by their appearance. Even carpet bags. I'm sure I never do.