''I come up hard''

All this time, I thought the line from the theme song was "I come apart". But this recently aired on FXM and I put the closed captioning on during the opening credits for the song's lyrics and learned that Marvin Gaye is singing "I come up hard".

Speaking of Gaye, it doesn't sound like him singing in the movie. Or, at least, not him singing alone. Does anyone know who's singing with Gaye?

"There will be blood. Oh, yes, there WILL be blood."-Jigsaw; "Saw II"


The song is Trouble man by Marvin Gaye. Was a huge hit in black music. Chico Debarge did a remake. Marvin usually did all his backgrounds also.


It's Marvin, except the MOVIE version is different from the Album Version. I read somewhere Marvin didn't like his vocals on the movie version and redid it.

And on your mishearing the lyric, can't tell you how many songs that's happened to me but that isn't one of them.

The one that comes to mind is the song by Survivor, and the lyric "That'll Teach You",...for YEARs I heard, "battle teacher":):):)


Sharlee1962, if you read my main post, you know I already knew the info you posted. I was just wondering about the vocals in the movie as opposed to those on the record.

Annoying the world since 1960!


Actually, the movie and hit versions of the the theme are the same performance, but the film version contains an extra track of Gaye doublng the lead an octave lower. Since the movie came first, this extra vocal was simply not used (muted) in the soundtrack release. I’ve not heard it in the late-90’s multichannel 5.1 remix either.

Gaye also plays drums on the track — and quite expertly.


I thought the same thing about the lyric. The first time I heard it was Nenah Cherry's remake back in the 90s on a Marvin Gaye tribute album. I'm watching the movie now on FXM.


Neneh Cherry's remake of Trouble Man--which is pretty good---is also on her 1996 release MAN, which is also good, too.
