Russia's answer to 2001 A Space Odyssey
This movie, which is hailed by some as Russia's answer to 2001: A Space Odyssey (One of my favorite films) is the worst film I have ever seen.
It's wafer-thin plot could have been easily covered in a 60 minute episode of the Twilight Zone (complete with plot twists & melodrama, and a punch-line ending).Instead this film is 3 hours long and goes nowhere slowly. The tagline for this movie should have been : "in space no-one can hear you cry!")
I definitely recommend everyone to avoid this film. I found this film to have the following defects :
1) 3 hours long with virtually no plot
2) There is virtually no soundtrack to the film.
3) Most of the photography is static, as most of the film is shot in various rooms.
4) There is very poor editing and pacing (everything a character does is in real-time)
5) The sets & FX are dirt cheap
6) The costumes are laughable. The main protagonist is an astronaut who wears futuristic trousers complete with yellow (and sometimes white)string-vest, looking like a star wars version of Rab C. Nesbitt. He also spends much of the film in a pair of monogrammed Jim-jams. Interestingly enough the lead female in the films has to remove her futuristic knit-wear using a pair of scissors (it's that futuristic!!)
7) There is a weird sub-plot about a midget which is never really explained.
8) The protagonist keeps fantasizing about a woman in her nighty that later turns out to be his mother (did I mention that this film is weird?).
9) The movie 2001 A Space Odyssey boasted a 10 minute Star-gate sequence for its viewers. But this movie boasts a 20 minute journey through Russian motorways in a Lada (did I mention that everything in this movie is in real-time, including the boredom you feel watching it).
10) plot-holes. The main protagonist's dad appears to be 10 years older than him).
11) The dialogue is mind-numbingly awful, complete with characters doing odd things during a conversation, like randomly picking up a book or moving a candelabra (yes a candelabra in a space station!!).
12) The exotic interior of the space station in question looks like a horrible & messy Eastern European tenament buidling of the cold-war era.
13) The recurring & annoying plot-point of the space stations's library. The main character is invited to a meeting in the station's library around 5 times during the film (he finally attends goes into the library for said meeting in the last quarter of the film to continue the same crap as he did in every other room in the space station)
14) The amazing depiction of "a loss of Gravity" in this classic film (in the much foreshadowed Stations's Library scene, no less) puts both films like 2001 and Gravity to utter shame!!!
15) Near the end of the movie it becomes something like "End-credit porn" complete with so many fade-out & cut-aways to tantalize into thinking that movie is about to end. I almost had an orgasm when the title card for "The End" in Russian finally appeared.
16) I think everyone in Russia was brain-washed into liking this film in the 70's which is probably why it is hailed as a classic.
17) If you are still reading this after not being put-off by the comments above then you have nerves of steel (or you are one of the brain-washed Russian fans of this movie)
18) This movie is indeed like 2001: A Space Odyssey (with all the goods taken out, including the direction & soundtrack).
19) I have not seen the recent re-make but it cannot be as bad as this shuttle-wreck of a movie.
If you have not seen this film yet then you are indeed a most fortunate individual.
"Be seeing you!"