MovieChat Forums > Solyaris (1972) Discussion > Better then 2001 Space Odyssey?

Better then 2001 Space Odyssey?

I'm sure there are posts of this somewhere so if there are I apologize in advance. Anyways I have not seen this film but I have the rest of Tarkovsky films which are truly amazing films. So to all those who have watched this film.....For some reason I should have mentioned I haven't seen more then the first 20 minutes of space odyssey either so Is Solaris it better then 2001? or just different etc? Which film would you recommend to watch first?


"I don't think we don't have that". So you have it? No, what did I just say?"


Not better but a wonderful companion piece.


I agree with Richard Nixon: not better, but complementary. If you like one, you will probably appreciate the other.


But how does it comapre to the Hollywood remake with G.C. ?


I personally like the original better, but there are a vast amount of differences between the two. The hollywood version isn't a remake, but rather a different adaptation of the same book.



They're both amazing films, but 2001 may well be the best film I've ever seen.


Both are amazing movies. I liked 2001 more. 2001 is in my top 10 and Solaris is in my top 100. Solaris is about something totally else so you can't compare that much. Although they do remind of each other.

You see things; and you say Why? But I dream things that never were and I say Why not?


You can't compare the two. I like both. Saying that I prefer Tarkovsky's style of film making.


Why are you trying to compare them? They could scarcely be more different! Is it because they are both partly set in space? If so, you may as well try and compare "Manhattan" with "The Day After Tomorrow"


You have GOT to be kidding! 2001 is the greatest film ever made IMHO. This film was a long, slow, dull, boring, incomprehensible mess!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.
