MovieChat Forums > Solyaris (1972) Discussion > switched off immediately after the 20min...

switched off immediately after the 20mins driving scene

what a load of crap..was gonna give this 'masterpiece' a shot after watching the clooney version, starting was dull in a field talking blablablabla then theres a man driving for 20 freaking minutes in tokyo..what the heck..turned off after that and never looked back


That scene put my wife to sleep both times she tried to watch, but she falls asleep when I drive also. BTW, I just watched the film for the 4th or 5th time today and timed the drive scene. It was only about 4.5 minutes.

Sorry to hear you didn't make it through the film. It's probably the most beautiful and moving science fiction film I've ever seen.


Whoa. That was the fourth or fifth time you watched Solaris that day?


Switched off 'after' watching the ride all the way through? That doesn't sound very smart.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan



That's awesome. He weeded out some of the turds exactly like he intended.


I´ve read a lot of people saying this and if it is actually true, I respect him a little less, because that is some idiotic elitist *beep* Amazing movie though.

I am Ubik. Before the universe was, I am. I made the suns. I made the worlds.


You must be an American, with the concentration span of a small child.


Holy shineola, I thought the freeway scene was the best part! Totally hypnotizing. But of course today most Americans don't know anything about anything.


Why does it always have to come down to that - I'm not an American and don't feel that we need constant action from a film but I don't think that 5 minutes of watching a car driving through tunnels added anything to the film at all. It is at the end of the day entertainment and storytelling and I just don't get what the story of that scene was


It is at the end of the day entertainment

Nope. Tarkovsky did not make films to entertain. He made films to challenge and stimulate the viewer. No director in their right mind would make films the way Tarkovsky did if their intention was simply to entertain.

Not that there's anything wrong with making a film that's meant to simply be fun, but that was absolutely not the aim here.

"It's just you and me now, sport"-Manhunter


He made films to challenge and stimulate the viewer.

Not trying to be funny, but to my mind that is just another flavour of entertainment.

That's the clock done, now for the chairs.


You must be an American, with the concentration span of a small child.

Perfect argument. Only stupid Americans must dislike this movie. Not people from any other country.
